So yesterday, I'm doing my daily paroozing of various shopping websites in between my busy, busy schedule of napping, eating Captain Crunch, and pondering ways to make my cheeks look more emaciated when I find this great Lacoste duffle that demands my mother's attention and credit card. I leave the page up on her computress with a sticky note reading "Ho, ho, ho?" and wait in the shadows. She then had to remind me, if she were to persay order something online for me, it might not make it under the tree in time since Christmas is indeed next Friday. I had not a clue. Christmas is a creeper. You never realize how close it is until it is sticking its thumb down your crack.

Well in anticipation of the Yuletide shitshow, I would like to share a little somethin' somethin' from my family to yours.

Of course CampusQueer is ALWAYS inclusive and accepting of others, so Happy WhateverTheFuckYouCelebrateToGetPresentsFromPeopleAndContinueThePrideOfCorporateAmericaAndCapitalism!

Over and Out,