Breaking Boundaries Art Gallery

Okay you artsy-fartsy queers. The following transmission is for you. Creative Campus and the Alabama Art Kitchen are hosting an art gallery and reception, Breaking Boundaries, next month featuring pieces created by and for the queer community. If you have any type of artistic piece, either written or visualized, this would be a great way to contribute to queer rhetoric and give you a chance to show off what you've got. You can find out all the details on the Breaking Boundaries Facebook, Campus Creative Website, or contact Leigh Thomas.

You need to act fast. The deadline for submissions is April 1st ( Next Friday!) Don't hesitate with silly questions inside your head. When you're in the shower and Opportunity comes knocking, you don't put on a towel, dry your hair, and floss before you answer the door. You swing it wide open (naked and moist) and say, "Good morning Opportunity! I've been expecting you."

Now for you left-brained dull number crunchers, you can be a part of this too! Visit the gallery at the Alabama Art Kitchen downtown from April 4-15 or be at the Creative Campus reception at the AAK April 12, beginning at 6.30pm.  Support the students submitting art as well as the ones putting together this event. It's a free and open event so bring your friends as well. Even the ones who aren't limp-wristed, flame fanning, penis doodling, eyeliner wearing nelly bottom queens. No matter straight, gay, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, you're on the right track if you attend the Breaking Boundaries queer art gallery. See you there!

Over and Out,

First, Suggestive Popsicles. Now, Suggestive Monkey Hats

My idolized future lover Cazwell is back with his boys. And monkey hats. His newest video for "Get My Money Back" brings back his excellent taste in NYC's finest gogo boys, ability to remove clothing at any given point, and caricature rap style. You'll notice this time he's refining his style with less spastic ass popping (but who doesn't love that?!) and incorporating more choreography. Fortunately I can say he does pop right back into what seems like a scene from "Ice Cream Truck" with hot boys doing free style solos with all his monkies sitting around watching in some seedy part of the Big Apple, where the world's supply of crack cocaine is produced. I love this video. I need my monkey outfit immediately. I feel like Cazwell is really starting to mature in his artistic style. As much as a gay rapper who can't locate his shirt can mature that is. Myself and Misster Mackey give a hats off and over our lady parts for him and his lovely mistress, Amanda Lepore. I'm sure that bitch was on the set somewhere popping pills and sticking monkey tails where they don't belong.

Over and Out,

Support VIVA GLAM and WAAO

Sometimes you have to put aside your qualms and look at the bigger picture. With that said, this Saturday I will see you at I-Con for the "Totally Glam" event sponsored by MAC Cosmetics! The $5 admission benefits the MAC Aids Fund and the West Alabama AIDS Outreach, which you know I can't refuse. The show, starting at 10:30 pm (i.e. 10:53 pm) features Serenity, Bambi Kira, Genesis, Samantha Steele, and Ginger Snap! The ladies always put on a hell of show and I'm ecstatic to see them all on stage again. 

Red is always a great color for events such as these and slap on a little of your VIVA GLAM lip gloss and pop in for the cause!

Over and Out,

The Unsocial Network

Maybe you've noticed. I've lost the blogging spirit that once inundated your news feeds. I haven't given up though as much as perhaps I've lost direction and inspiration. It takes determination to continue a blog with even just 1-2 posts a week. Especially now that I've ended what used to be my main focus with CampusQueer - Social Life. I know exactly to what my readers responded. Parties and party pictures. No matter what eloquent and moving messages I could craft, these bitches loved to see themselves and others getting trashy. And I don't blame them. It's slightly intoxicating. But it also painted a picture of a gay community alive, well, and together for the ride. Unfortunately, I think I had to excuse myself from the Monster Plantation boat.

You may have noticed or may not or maybe don't really know who the hell I even am. I just don't do it anymore like I once did. Maybe it's too early to tell and I'm just taking a disco reprieve. But club walk-offs and after parties have subsided to dinner and a night in with close friends and maybe the occasional straight bar romp during the week. I used to associate with so many of you, but now keep to a tighter knit group. Which worries me. Is it just me or is the community we have built falling back into cliques? I really don't know. I don't go out enough to know.

But what is true is that I have lost that connective spark that fueled this blog for over a year. The people and the dancing and the craziness inspired many of these posts. So I guess I just have to gather new wind in my sails. If I can't be a strong social voice, I can still be a voice. And what's even more powerful is the idea that I can regain some substance. I know my average visitor wants photos, photos, photos. I've never been shy with words even though I know most blog readers don't want to do any actual reading, but now it's about even more words and ideas.

I refuse to be the average person who starts a blog, posts for a little bit, and then sees something shiny across the room. As they say in the Krewe, "We've gotta push on through!" So CampusQueer is not over. At least not today. If anyone has made it this far, you should either be doing some yard work, paying attention in class, or doing something more extraordinary perhaps. But thank you for reading. I write for the love of writing and the hopes that it reaches someone who needed to hear something as much as I needed to write it.

So what you and I need to glean from all this is simple. The party is never over. It's just a DJ change. If you get that, run with it. If you don't, then just dance. I'll be on the speaker box throwing the glitter of thought.

Over and Out,

What's My Status?

Negative. That's right queerlings, the results are in and your queer on campus is HIV negative and happy. Now there wasn't some huge shadow around the idea for me, but since the SOC 360 class and WAAO teamed up to make testing available at the Ferg yesterday and today, I knew there was no other choice. Free testing is provided always by the West Alabama AIDS Outreach here in Tuscaloosa, but with it being made so convienent as just a few hundred yards from where I sit now, I had to oblige. I always speak for HIV/AIDS awareness, so I have to practice what I preach. This was my second test to date and much easier and less faint-worthy than last time. I had to give blood. Ick.

A lot of people my age like to talk about what they think HIV/AIDS is. A lot of people like to talk about people who are living with what has now become a manageable disease with proper healthcare. But not many people my age are even sure of their status, much less the facts of a disease clouded by stigmas and hearsay. The only way to know is to get tested. Don't go to the Student Health Center. Bad decision. They will drip your blood dry and blow up a huge testing charge on your student bill. And from what I hear, confidentialtiy does not run high. If you haven't been tested in the last year, but have been getting your moist debbie cake ravaged, get tested. Protect yourself and protect the people with whom you share yourself. As I always say, "What's scarier? Getting the test and knowing for sure? Or not knowing and making it worse for yourself and others?" There is power in prevention and early detection.

Over and Out,