Okay you artsy-fartsy queers. The following transmission is for you. Creative Campus and the Alabama Art Kitchen are hosting an art gallery and reception, Breaking Boundaries, next month featuring pieces created by and for the queer community. If you have any type of artistic piece, either written or visualized, this would be a great way to contribute to queer rhetoric and give you a chance to show off what you've got. You can find out all the details on the Breaking Boundaries Facebook, Campus Creative Website, or contact Leigh Thomas.

You need to act fast. The deadline for submissions is April 1st ( Next Friday!) Don't hesitate with silly questions inside your head. When you're in the shower and Opportunity comes knocking, you don't put on a towel, dry your hair, and floss before you answer the door. You swing it wide open (naked and moist) and say, "Good morning Opportunity! I've been expecting you."

Now for you left-brained dull number crunchers, you can be a part of this too! Visit the gallery at the Alabama Art Kitchen downtown from April 4-15 or be at the Creative Campus reception at the AAK April 12, beginning at 6.30pm.  Support the students submitting art as well as the ones putting together this event. It's a free and open event so bring your friends as well. Even the ones who aren't limp-wristed, flame fanning, penis doodling, eyeliner wearing nelly bottom queens. No matter straight, gay, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, you're on the right track if you attend the Breaking Boundaries queer art gallery. See you there!

Over and Out,