Today, April 15, is marked as the annual Day of Silence. Across the nation supporters of the gay community take a vow of silence to observe and bring attention to anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in our schools. Spectrum is providing handbills you can pass out to people you encounter to let them know you aren't speaking and inform them of why. I already have a handful prepared in my purse. As well as the silence from 6am-6pm there are other events coinciding with the Day of Silence.

When you get hungry, you can be a part of a silent lunch at the Ferg with members of Spectrum. I think a large silent area could be interesting in that shit show so the more, the better.  

The fabulous women of the Alapine Community near Mentone, AL will be at the Ferg Forum to have an open discussion. On Day of Silence? Well just bring a whiteboard and we'll play pictionary. I have heard only wonderful, wonderful things about these women who in live in an all-lesbian commune and look forward to finally meeting them.

Breaking the Silence event at the Ferg Game Room with a reception following will close out the day with a few speakers I presume as well as the awarding of the Elliot Jackson Jones Scholarship courtesy of Capstone Alliance, the faculty LGBT organization. Come have some snacks, break your silence, and do some mingling!

Get your handbills. E-mail professors to let them know you won't be throwing your two cents in for the day. And don't go through any drive-throughs. I went to the door at the ChicK-Fil-A on McFarland last year and wrote down my order. (PS - Still going strong on the Chick-Fil-A boycott. Werk.) Make this simple gesture to encourage people to think about the words they say with cruel intentions. School was rough. You remember. Be silent for them.

Over and Out,