Hold onto you hotpants queerlings. . . CQ is proud to present the Absolut Student Mixer! Oh that's right. Absolut Vodka, Joe's on Seventh, and CampusQueer are teaming up to bring all you faggots under one roof in Alabama for the biggest welcome back to school bash in the state on August 28, 2010. There is NO door cover with your student id, liquor pong all night, sexy Absolut mixed drink and shot specials, and entertainment by our lovely ladies ObSINity, Cierra Simone Campbell, and Connie Lingus. And you cannot miss the crowning of the Absolut Mess of 2010! Bring in your new freshmen to show them who's who and warn them of any "no-good-doers." You have to gay it forward people! Not to mention, find the lads and ladies of other campuses you may not be so familiar with. Start the school year hard. I mean this is the easy part of the semester. You start with an A and drink your way to a solid C. Take advantage of it and blow out right as we return to our Alma Maters. Our party co-hosts of the night are leading individuals from campuses around the state who are ready to throw down with you as we all compete to be the Absolut Mess of 2010. Your hosts are as follows:

>TheFierce Ladyy Jaja of the University of Alabama 
>Michael Finn of Jacksonville State U
>Cody Moore of UAB 
>Cory Burns of wherever the hell his ass is at during any given time.

Now most importantly, you need to go ahead and Sharpie in August 28 on your Taylor Lautner calendar. Not pencils bitches. I want bold, black Sharpie. Confirm on the FB event invite and start nominating your friends or foes for the Absolut Mess of 2010 on the wall. We've had some drunk bitches and we'll have some more, but this is the democratic way of life and you will be voting that night by texting the Joe's Hotline on the big screens. You must be present to win. And you must be tragic. Don't miss it. That would be worse than wearing pajama pants to class. No really. That has GOT to stop.

Over and Out,