They only played hip-hop (-1). People ate zebra cakes (-3). But it was still a good little shindig (+5). 

Okay BabyGay Coop. Not only were you eating in the middle of a party. . . Bitch you were carrying the whole damn BAG around with you. Let this be a lesson to you: #WeDontDoThat.

Well there you have it. It's our first photo montage and DBotW for the semester! Had a great time with the fabulous UA dancers. Be sure to go see what our wonderful dance program has put together for the DA! Fall Concert in Morgan Auditorium Sept. 28 - Oct 1. Buy your tickets online here. I know it's going to be a great show. Watch for CQ out and about and let me know where all the big hububs are going to be. I'll see you there. Have me a cocktail waiting. ;)

Over and Out,