Birthdays are not a big deal for me. They come and go and the less of a big deal you make about them, the better off everyone is. People are just on a heightened sensitivity level on birthdays whether or not it's theirs or someone they know for some reason. That's why I typically would rather just eat somewhere quiet with a couple of people and treat it like another day. I used to be a big birthday boy until my parents divorced when I was six. We had a huge party every year and since then I've just rather it come and go without a big to-do.

But I just couldn't let this one pass me by without somewhat of a fuss. In case you didn't realize, the Queer just turned 21 this past Thursday, July 14. This one was a big deal for me. Not only did it legalize my favorite past time, but it really meant to me that I could now go anytime and anywhere to the places where my favorite people frequented. There are plenty of places in town that you just can't always enter on the arm of a regular or flash your ID and a wink too quick for the door guy to do the math in his head. And you sure as hell can't sneak around a bar where everyone knows your name, age, and tendencies for disaster. So last week was very special and I thank everyone who made it so beautiful. A midnight toast at Icon, a fabulous dinner at Evangeline's, the premiere of Harry Potter, the Glitter Bomb, and a brunch on Saturday to bring it all to a terrific end. My sister, Jaja Kardashian, and my beautiful boyfriend, Brian, have gone above and beyond and I'm just beside myself reflecting on last week.

I guess I learned that what has happened in your past does not always have to be your present. It's never to late break tradition and try something new. I also learned that the liquor store really is as glamorous as I always imagined.

Over and Out,