Quidditch on the Quad II from UA Creative Campus on Vimeo.

So first of all, kuddos to Creative Campus for being basically just an awesome initiative at UA in the first place. Second kuddos for a well produced video ad. And lastly, I want to play Quidditch. I laughed at the idea last year. Now I'm having second thoughts. I refuse the reality that with the closing of the last movie this summer my childhood must swirl down the toilet to the sounds of Moaning Myrtle's . . . errr . . . moaning. I'm not adverse to the idea of a CampusQueer team. I've got shirts! They're black so I'm thinking something like "Queer Eaters." That obviously needs some development. Anygay, registration is this month until Oct. 21 so if you are ready to race broomsticks across the Quad you better dip your quill and get to signing some papers. The actual event is set to take place Nov. 13.