It's that time of year queerlings. That time where we gather near, deck the halls, and celebrate ancient pagan rituals confused with an opposing, yet dominant religion all based on capitalistic means and saving the economy every year with the power of Jeeezus. That's right. I'm talking about Chanukah. And by Chanukah I of course mean Christmas, because if you don't celebrate Christmas, you must not be very popular. Okay! Oh I forgot Kwanzaa, but that's some bullshit anyway so let's just talk about the reason for the season. Presents. If there weren't presents, nobody would give a damn about any of this. So what do you have tucked under the tree for your special trick that you can't seem to get rid of? Well, if you are still looking for ideas, CQ's here with a few for both your Naughty and Nice lists.

1. H&M for Lanvin. It just released in November with some fabulous things. Great shoes, oversized bowties, etc.  2. Aprodite, Kylie's new album, is fierce  3. Luggage by Billy Reid, from Florence, Alabama, named GQ and Vogue's Designer of the Year. Maybe this is something to receive more than give.  4. A Starbucks (red) giftcard. Give the gift that keeps on giving.  5. A Rodiney calendar! Even if he gets deported, you can still spend all of 2011 with this illiterate piece of Brazilian art.

1. Dignity. Find the person you know in your life who has left their dignity on your couch, in bathroom stalls, or Icon's dancefloor and gift it back to them. I'm expecting handfuls from all. 2. A $1 shot at Icon. 3. Gun Oil lube. I hear it's all the rage with faggoty pipe layin' and lesbian hip ridin'. 4. Justin Bieber's world tour tickets at the BJCC on Dec 21! How disappointing would that be?  5. The heels you have borrowed for far too long from any special tranny in your life. Just wrap them in shiny paper so you look like a good person.

I hope know you are well-equipped to give and receive this holiday season! Stay warm and remember that in a pinch, the best gift to give is champagne! 

Over and Out.