Queerlings of UA. This week is an opportunity. An opportunity to make our voices heard as one. With the recent light finally being shed on LGBT teen bullying, celebrities, politicians, and anyone who cares have been joining in a movement to let our younger brothers and sisters know "It Gets Better." I personally believe there is nowhere they need to hear it more than right here in Alabama and the South in general. Now is your chance to be a part of the solution. Tomorrow, Wednesday, represents a grassroots memorial campaign for the recent suicides of LGBT teens who were overwhelmed by the hate they faced. Really it is a day to remember ALL the young people who face hate everyday, and remember what it was like to be in that situation. And all you have to do is wear purple. Just a shirt, a ribbon, or anything. Just something for everyone to see that there is a community with open arms. Last week I asked people to join me in the National Coming Out Day project for "Count Me Out" photo project and this week I'm asking for nothing more difficult than wearing purple and turning your social media photos purple (as seen above). It's always about visibility. It's always about showing people that you are a part of something much larger than yourself and dedicated to progress.

And surely you have seen the "It Gets Better" videos and I know you want to make one, but haven't. This Friday is your opportunity to make your voice heard. Director Guy Fauchon, David Kilgo, and our very own GingerQueer are organizing a video shoot featuring a group shot on the steps of Gorgas Library from noon to 12:30. The more people, the more impact. I know you may have class. Skip it. Send your ally friends for you. This is NOT just for LGBT to participate. It's for anyone who cares. Send out invites and ensure that the young eighth grade girl in northern Alabama who is harrassed everyday by her peers can't see the white of Gorgas steps when she sees this video. RSVP on the FB Event right now.

This is your chance. Don't blow it.

Over and Out,