Your Guide to Halloween Weekend 2010
10:39 AM
Posted by The Queer
I mean damn. There is just too much. Yes, Halloween is an unrecognized national gay holiday and is in a striking position to kill us all. Hell after I post this blog, there's not a chance of me being sober til next Tuesday. So with all the faggotry being thrown at you, CampusQueer is here to organize the events in succession. You will have to make a choice. That choice will be up to your designated driver. Personally, I just go where I'm told and pass out where I want. I hope you've got a plethora of costumes in stock or enough friends that won't ever see you in the same one twice. Until they see photos of Facebook, but by then you've duped them all and drank their alcohol. And here we go!
No One Mourns the Wicked - House party on 21st Ave. hosted by Tripp Gustin, Michael Dewar, Jonathan Alexander Duchock, Jessie Protz and Lauren Williams. Seems to be a big event, younger people, but I worry about opportunities for cop busts since there is such a huge guest list. Keg, hunchpunch, etch. all for a variety of prices (which is awful complex to me, just set a flat rate.)
HalloQueen 2010 - Where CampusQueer will be starting the night! At the L&N Train Station downtown, hosted by the Mystic Krewe of Druids to benefit the West Alabama AIDS Outreach. Party for a cause. Fabulous people and over $2000 in prizes for costumes including $300 for best costume of the night. Your $10 at the door gets you in and goes to a great cause and theres a full bar inside. Older crowd, but very open to us babies.
Friday Night G-Spot - Hosted by Genesis with special guests Bambi Kira and THE Regine Philips from Pensacola who always comes ready to turn it out. Costumes of all types are always welcome at Icon (I would know) but tomorrow is not their true Hallow's Eve celebration. That is Saturday. And you never know who you might see show up at Icon. $5 Over / $10 Under.
The Rocky Horror Drag Show at Joe's - If you're in B'ham, Joe's on Seventh will be hosting an after-party for the Rocky Horror Picture Show which is showing at the Alabama Theatre. Free admission with your ticket from the show. Huge drag show and masquerade ball at 11. "It's just a step to the left." Without a ticket, $5 Over / $8 Under
Halloween Weekend at Icon - Saturday is the night for festivities at Icon. Costume contest at midnight hosted by the Demon Goddess, Genesis. You can rack up some major bar tabs to get you wasted and ensure your costume comes off by the end of the night. $5 Over / $10 Under
Halloween Benefit Bash - I have to hand it to Paul Dease and the Magic City Choral Society, they are just a fantastic organization in Birmingham; pulling together some great benefits this year for various HIV/AIDS organizations. And this event is sure to be the place to be seen this gay Halloween season. Start the evening early at Avondale Castle, with drinks pouring freely and special entertainers along the way. Requested $20 donation. Official after-party at Our Place lounge.
Monster's Ball at Joe's - Another Magic City affair. Joe's on Seventh will be having the Monster's Ball (get it? mhm.) with cash and prizes for their costume contest of course. Party gets going around 11pm with they call a "spook-tacular show." $5 Over / $8 Under
Happy Halloween Show at Joe's - Go out to Joe's for their usual Sunday cabaret with a haunting twist. Freshly crowned Miss Apollo, Felicity performs with special guests all night. Show starts at 8!
Final Performance of Secret Garden - Slow things down and go see the final performance of Theatre Tuscaloosa presents The Secret Garden. A haunting show of its own kind with beautiful music and an excellent cast. I've done this show before and will tell you its a little on the downer side, but worth the amazing music. Close the show with them and still have time to get your crazy on later in the evening. Take the link to order tickets immediately!
Other than that I'm not sure. Maybe just set up for possible trick-or-treaters? You know how disappointing it was when doors didn't have their lights on as you traipsed entire neighborhoods, scavenging for welcoming stoops. Or go to Quest and be a mess. Hell, run your ass down to New Orleans or over to Atlanta for some hot tranny mess! Whatever you do, be safe. I'm not exactly the one to be preaching that, but still. Don't die. And now for a special message brought to you by Chloe Sevigny.
Over and Out,
Homosexuals: Born With the Ability To Make-Out Walk Since 0 A.D.
9:29 AM
Posted by The Queer
So I'm doing my Kinky Monday FB Scroll with my headphones dangling from
my teeth and one eye still struggling to close, when I pop across some
interesting news. During the UA Homecoming parade, the LGBT group here,
Spectrum, participated while apparently two of the male walkers were . .
. holding hands. Disgusting and deplorable, I know. One responsible
citizen voiced her concern for this homo-propaganda and even juiced up
the story to ensure her credibility and chances of getting run in the
I mean Tuscaloosa News needs to put that bitch on payroll with such hard-hitting journalistic endeavors. I'm so relieved to know her 3-year-old kunt baby was not victim to the such sights fit only for a carnival sideshow. You know how judgmental those toddlers get these days. And I for sure understand Miss Brooke not wanting to be "exposed to guys holding hands with other guys." I will personally be handing out gas masks next year in the likely event that guys will hold hands with other guys and recommend we all take our civic responsibilities seriously and get our cootie shot at our earliest convenience.
Fortunately a representative, one Alexander H, admitted homosexual and president of Spectrum, has come forth with a press release on the behalf of confessed offender, Tripp G.:
Well there you have it queerlings. Personally, I would have totally claimed the ability to walk and make-out simultaneously. Put that on my resume and suck it.
Over and Out,
Minorities and Muisc: The Trends
1:06 PM
Posted by The Queer

While this may not be new to you and hardly profound information, there is a curious observation to be made. Where else in history can you see the progression? Rights movements. In the last century, we have seen this same order of people who campaigned for their rights in America. Women's suffrage came full circle in 1920, Dr. King and Malcolm X led the civil rights movement of the 60's, and now the LGBT community is fighting for their own rights and each group is dominating the music industry of today. And what group is next in cue? Latin America. And they are already making their mark in American music and starting to fight for their own humanity in a country with the history of white males thinking they are the only worthy human beings. Just right there on #5 is Usher/featuring Pitbull, while Shakira, Ricky Martin, and Enrique Iglesias have already made strides for Latin music in America.

Over and Out,
Why I Love "Whip My Hair"
3:01 PM
Posted by The Queer
I'm not sure what my fascination with this pre-pubescent black Miley Cyrus is, but shes got me done whipped my hair around her finger. And now there's a video. Well damn. Let me just show you some shit.
Speak Out!
11:31 AM
Posted by The Queer
Queerlings of UA. This week is an opportunity. An opportunity to make our voices heard as one. With the recent light finally being shed on LGBT teen bullying, celebrities, politicians, and anyone who cares have been joining in a movement to let our younger brothers and sisters know "It Gets Better." I personally believe there is nowhere they need to hear it more than right here in Alabama and the South in general. Now is your chance to be a part of the solution. Tomorrow, Wednesday, represents a grassroots memorial campaign for the recent suicides of LGBT teens who were overwhelmed by the hate they faced. Really it is a day to remember ALL the young people who face hate everyday, and remember what it was like to be in that situation. And all you have to do is wear purple. Just a shirt, a ribbon, or anything. Just something for everyone to see that there is a community with open arms. Last week I asked people to join me in the National Coming Out Day project for "Count Me Out" photo project and this week I'm asking for nothing more difficult than wearing purple and turning your social media photos purple (as seen above). It's always about visibility. It's always about showing people that you are a part of something much larger than yourself and dedicated to progress.
And surely you have seen the "It Gets Better" videos and I know you want to make one, but haven't. This Friday is your opportunity to make your voice heard. Director Guy Fauchon, David Kilgo, and our very own GingerQueer are organizing a video shoot featuring a group shot on the steps of Gorgas Library from noon to 12:30. The more people, the more impact. I know you may have class. Skip it. Send your ally friends for you. This is NOT just for LGBT to participate. It's for anyone who cares. Send out invites and ensure that the young eighth grade girl in northern Alabama who is harrassed everyday by her peers can't see the white of Gorgas steps when she sees this video. RSVP on the FB Event right now.
Over and Out,
Football Makes You More "Gay"
10:00 AM
Posted by The Queer
Football is a game for a man's man. It's all rough, gruff, dirt, sweat, and blood. There's no room for any sissy boys on gameday because this is day for men! So they say. I can walk across campus on any given day with a little pride in my stride, but on gameday the Quad becomes a deathtrap of belligerent boys, second-hand soccer moms, and general lackluster breeders with no other real value than unquestionable devotion to a collegiate sports team. They all love football and hate fags. And find such intriguing ways of stringing together a myriad of two-syllable words (and not much else) in order to make sure everyone around knows it. It's so cute to watch the straight boys act like they matter.
Remember, you're here to breed. We will do the rest.
Now to the main point of this little posting. . . yes, football makes you more gay. You know I love a list, so let's get right to it shall we?
1. Outfit Coordination. Any other day, you feel just slap-happy to throw on whatever the hell is within reach without much other consideration. Gameday rolls around and suddenly everyone is looking for great color combinations, interesting patterns, and much more expensive garments. You start the day with a fashion statement.
2. Themed Brunch. You arrive at your tented event with special hors d'ourves themed around your special day and have cocktails (in your coordinated outfit.)
3. Male Proximity. Usually you require a 5-foot radius with all other males. I have personally seen a table of boys who sat with a chair in between them and staggered. Confused? Reference Example Uno below. On gameday, it is very much tradition to let your bodies get close and personal, hopping around with sweaty bodies brushing so roughly, yet sensually. Kinda like the Quest.
Count Me Out 2010
9:22 PM
Posted by The Queer
Want yours? Like I said, just visit and the page has all the details you need to know to make your photo all rainbow and shinty. Do it fast. Do it now.
Over and Out,
National Coming Out Day: #CountMeOut2010
1:50 PM
Posted by The Queer
Over and Out,
A Note From the Angel Goddess, Genesis, to Michael Patrick's "Normal Opinions"
8:46 PM
Posted by The Queer
A Big Dose of Gay
11:20 AM
Posted by The Queer
For the CQ article post by gay man, Michael Patrick encouraging gays to be more "normal," here's what I think of "normal."
Over and Out,
What the Fuck is Normal?!?
10:15 AM
Posted by The Queer
I'm pissed. Have you seen the CW today? Yes, the student paper here at the University of Alabama. An opinions column entitled, "Gays should stress similarities" written by a student, Michael Patrick ran that basically says, "Well gays need to be more like straight people - "normal." Go ahead and have a read here:
Well screw "normal" cause I'm about to go TRANNY on this shit. Stereotype much Mister Patrick? Generalize much Mister Patrick? Take things way out of context Mister Patrick? Talk about something you can't and never will understand Mister Patrick? I appreciate the way you try to throw with your positive quips, but you really just kinda FUCK. IT. UP. when you follow through with, "it is not okay to subscribe yourself to a ridiculous lifestyle and blame it on the fact that you are gay."
All this really just makes me more of a Pissy Patty because its LGBT History Month. It's a time to celebrate our strides in equality and here this dumbass goes broadcasting some spew about how we need to conform to the "heteronormative." Bitch, we have been conforming to the "heteronormative" for thousands of years. Oh, and let's not stop with the gays. Let's make sure we include everyone who leads a "ridiculous lifestyle" and have them conform to something even BETTER. Yes, let's all eat our tuna fish sandwiches and iron down the pleats of our ill-fitting khakis and join the "Straight-White-Male-Middle-Class-Normative." It's going to be super fun I guarantee.
And I was doing okay. I was not seething perhaps as I read this garbage. 'Til the end. That one line really cut your place out buddy. "Gays in America need to make a culture adjustment; otherwise the next time a homosexual teen commits suicide, they might be holding the rope." I could expand on this, but I trust your intellects queerlings. That is not okay.
I trust this young fellow has never endured "gay bullying." In his mind, it's no different than any other bullying. Well Mister Patrick, let me put it into perspective for you. Imagine you are young, and already feeling so different; that you are possibly the only person who likes the same sex and confused about what is going on in your head. And everyone else can see it. Imagine being bullied so bad JUST first and second grade, that you begin a chain of changing schools every year because his parents don't know where he can go where he won't have to face harassment. People say kids that age don't know what "gay" and "fag" mean. Maybe they don't understand it, but they sure as hell have heard it from their older straight parents or through MEDIA that shows them what it means to be a NORMAL straight person. And they see someone different and USE it against them.
Michael Patrick, your article was written in complete bias with no shame. You feign understanding only to unmask yourself with provincialism, elitism, and bigotry. So keep an eye on your doorstep. If you don't watch hard enough, we may show up in our speedos, body glitter, and a tape deck blaring "Boys, Boys, Boys" by Our Lady. We may even start having a promiscuous orgy and snorting cocaine off a drag queen's inner thigh. I hope for your NORMAL sake that you aren't slightly turned on.
So I've recently been tweeted that Mister Patrick is also a gay man. Wow. You really did us all a good one there. You sure did a damn fine job of assimilating because you had me purely convinced you were straight. How about a gold star for you? Hey, next time you want to set us back a few hundred years again, you just come around and personally kick us all in the balls/ovaries? That would be lovely.
You personally reinforced the use of stereotypes against your own community in a public forum for a campus that already harbors anti-gay sentiment and just gave them the support to keep doing what they do. Thanks man. Really. Looks like I'm going to need to "up my homo" to make up for you. I'm thinking heels and giant white wings on campus. That should do the trick.
Over and Out,