Well damn. Look what I missed. Apparently the boy-watching event of the season has come and gone right under my nose while I was poking posies in Atlanta this past Friday. From what I can tell, Quidditch on the Quad seemed to be a great event for the campus, but more importantly had a plethora of boys combining the sexy of athletic triumph with the adorable of avid Potter fandom. Stir counterclockwise five times in a pewter cauldron to bottle up a erotic potion the likes of which the Half-Blood Prince couldn't even top. Oh yeah, I totally just went there. I have to admit it all seems to look better in photos, but in video its just a big ole frotty mess. Not fratty. Frotty. Urban Dictionary it if needed. . . Don't expect me to organize a CampusQueer team next year. I will however organize a WorldCup after party and cheer from the sidelines with a cape and flask of Felix Felicis and gin. I only got to see a few of the quaffle-chasing, bludger-beating, snitch-seeking sexies. But I was pleased thus far.
Over and Out,
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