Gettin' Back to Business
12:55 PM
Posted by The Queer
OK. Here goes.
So I haven't been able to bring myself to post since what happened in Tuscaloosa and across the South on April 27. I'm still not sure what gave me such a strong block, but nothing seemed to come out right. I actually have drafts that I couldn't bring myself to finish and post. But with the month of June brings us LGBT Pride Month and Central Alabama Pride Week and I can't let disaster stop me from bringing you queer newsish tidbits. I have a self-appointed duty to you, myself, and especially the new class of freshmen coming to our campus. Thank you to those who have sent messages to my inbox about CQ. Came across them today and reminded myself to get over the bullshit. So without gushing on and on, let's just get back to it without all the mess.
Over and Out,
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