I'm On The Edge
6:10 PM
Posted by The Queer
We've seen it all from her. She has given us murder, money, and molta
bella. Our Lady has never spared one resource or re-take to deliver
videos that are artistically astonishing and leave us craving more.
'Edge of Glory' took us back somewhere and sometime where all that was
unnecessary and it's been received both well and . . . not so well.
song at first lost me. Wasn't interested. With every new song, it
usually takes a hot second for me to find my connection with it and a
romance with it as well. This video sparked that romance. It is clean,
simple, and honest. No controversial rhetoric, no astounding visuals. In
fact it's that less-than-astounding factor that makes it astounding.
The set looks fake and forced. There's no massive wardrobe. No beautiful
dancers or rehearsed choreography. Just Gaga doing Gaga. And some sax.
It's as if she showed up, pressed play, and told the camera crew to just
keep up. The released video is different than the original concepts developed between Gaga and former director Joseph Kahn. Kahn has produced "Love Game" and "Eh Eh" videos, but was dismissed for this video after some type of disagreement between the two. Instead, Gaga took over as director.
I feel this speaks to the perfect New York in her head
where her music comes from and without a doubt to 80's videos for this very 80's inspired song. This is the space from which all her creative force
pours and we've been invited inside for a very personal moment between her and the viewer. This is a truly special song
for her. It is inspired by her first experience of personal loss - the
death of her grandfather.
"My Grandma said, 'Joey (her Grandpa) just go,'" says Gaga. "And we left the room and he
died. And I remember he just gave this look to her that said ‘I won.’
Like I’m a champion. So the ‘Edge of Glory’ is not just
about falling in love or about dying, but it’s about being on the
glorious edge of that glorious championship of your life.” I absolutely teared up after reading that.

Over and Out,
Central Alabama Pride 2011
2:44 PM
Posted by The Queer
Attention queerlings. Pull out those feather boas, glitter bombs, and other various cliche homosexual paraphernalia. It's Pride! Now with the reinstated blessing of President Obama, we are in the throes of Pride Week in Birmingham and the big stuff is yet to come. This Saturday you can be present for the parade from Highland Avenue, through 5 Points South and to 24th St. in downtown Birmingham. Stepoff will be at 8.30pm, but be a little early to secure your spot along the route. Serving as our Grand Marshall will be Rev. JR Finney II, Senior Pastor of Covenant Community Church. Judas be with us. Afterwards, all of B'hams gay bars will be alive with throngs of queers drunk and ready to revel.
And no need to consider your hangover, because Sunday holds even more inebriated possibilities at the actual PrideFest at Sloss Furnace starting at 1pm. I was there last year and I will be honest. It starts off slow. And it's hot as balls. Not gonna skirt around that. The focus early on is more family-friendly performances. But as it starts to get later, the show really gets started with all the fabulous performers Birmingham has to offer. Your Mr (CQ) and Miss Druid (Genesis) will be hitting the stage around 5pm to represent the Krewe of Druids along with Bambi Kira and her brothel of sultry ladies for a reprise of their performance for the Bal Masque, which was the shit. I'm going to be honest. I have no clue yet what I plan on doing with my time. Me doing things at the last minute? Who would have thought? I may or may not pull it together, but either way I plan on letting my drink dance for me. Our big entertainers this year are FLAVA the Artist and Christa Jackson! After parties of course throughout the night. I will be sure to see you there. Watch out for the CQ logo walking around!
Over and Out,
The Fiercest Video I've Ever Seen
1:40 PM
Posted by The Queer
As the end of my most previous trip to the Big Easy was nearing close, imagine the look at my face when this video popped up on the screens at the Bourbon Pub! I was bewildered, inspired, and slightly moist. Most videos get plopped into the QueerHear, but this demanded much more than the obscurity of that list. I hope one day to bring innovative looks like these into my club repertoire. Will I? Probably not. I get far too plastered before I'd be able to accomplish all this. I'd rather just smear some black paint on my face and call it a night.
Over and Out,
Gettin' Back to Business
12:55 PM
Posted by The Queer
OK. Here goes.
So I haven't been able to bring myself to post since what happened in Tuscaloosa and across the South on April 27. I'm still not sure what gave me such a strong block, but nothing seemed to come out right. I actually have drafts that I couldn't bring myself to finish and post. But with the month of June brings us LGBT Pride Month and Central Alabama Pride Week and I can't let disaster stop me from bringing you queer newsish tidbits. I have a self-appointed duty to you, myself, and especially the new class of freshmen coming to our campus. Thank you to those who have sent messages to my inbox about CQ. Came across them today and reminded myself to get over the bullshit. So without gushing on and on, let's just get back to it without all the mess.
Over and Out,