This Campus Needs to Wake the Fuck Up
3:36 PM
Posted by The Queer
It never ends. Dr. Witt has promptly addressed that racial slurs were chalked onto a column at Moody Music Building at some point on Tuesday, October 11. I've included the above photo to document what all students received and here is the quote a little more legibly:
Have we not learned anything this year? It's time after time after goddamn time that we as a campus allow these things to anger us, but be swept away by most until we realize that the cockroach in the corner is indeed not dead and crawling over our face at night . . . with a piece of chalk. I grow more ashamed every day of individuals who tarnish the reputation of the school that will hand me a degree and more so by the community as a whole that lets this happen day in and day out. Governor Wallace might as well be running up and down the steps of every college at UA. I'm sick of the parents that have raised these sick children of theirs to perpetuate the hate they demonstrate because they're so goddamn elitist and too stupid to realize they have no right to set themselves so high.“I learned late Tuesday afternoon that an unknown person or persons had chalked offensive words on a column of Moody Music Building. While the entire community would certainly be offended by this language, it could be particularly upsetting to African Americans.“The words were removed as soon as they were discovered. However, I want to emphasize in the strongest possible terms that The University of Alabama finds this behavior totally unacceptable and strongly condemns any use of these words on our campus. Every effort will be made to identify and appropriately punish the individual(s) responsible.“This University respects and values each member of our community. I hope that every decision will reflect that commitment.“ - Dr. Robert E. Witt, UA President
I'm sick of a campus that praises giant, incessant messages chalked for Unashamed and defaces those for Alabama Atheists. I'm sick of a campus that gives birth to and perpetuates corrupt government policy makers and covers for their ass when they've been caught doing exactly what we suspected them doing all along. I'm sick of a school that smiles and shakes their heads so solemnly to acts of racism and preach a doctrine of diversity that is only reflected in the profits. I'm sick and tired of this school and what my degree is going to reflect to the rest of the world. I went to a school that went against everything I believe in knowing full well what was happening on our sidewalks, in our classrooms, and behind closed doors.
I let myself remain a second-class student.
And an passive aggressive e-mail to the student body is not going to fix that.
Not Over But Still Out,
Quidditch on the Quad II
9:58 AM
Posted by The Queer
Quidditch on the Quad II from UA Creative Campus on Vimeo.
So first of all, kuddos to Creative Campus for being basically just an awesome initiative at UA in the first place. Second kuddos for a well produced video ad. And lastly, I want to play Quidditch. I laughed at the idea last year. Now I'm having second thoughts. I refuse the reality that with the closing of the last movie this summer my childhood must swirl down the toilet to the sounds of Moaning Myrtle's . . . errr . . . moaning. I'm not adverse to the idea of a CampusQueer team. I've got shirts! They're black so I'm thinking something like "Queer Eaters." That obviously needs some development. Anygay, registration is this month until Oct. 21 so if you are ready to race broomsticks across the Quad you better dip your quill and get to signing some papers. The actual event is set to take place Nov. 13.
Rambling that Ends Up Somewhere (I Think)
9:43 AM
Posted by The Queer
My my. This new job and this semester of hellacious class is getting the best of my blogging self. I'm even letting LGBT History Month slip away without one measly post. But today my main concern is race. Over the past month, we've seen a lot of race debate in the CW, especially regarding race in our greek system. I've been in classrooms where greek members are outraged that they are being cast into a lump group of people who are racist on our campus. It's all very topsy-turvy and confusing when you start looking at all sides of it. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore.
On one hand it can not be denied that we have a prominently white greek system that conducts block voting to get their white candidates in offices to push their white greek agenda. In all the reporting I've seen, campus officials don't deny this uncomplicated truth, but instead wash their hands of these "private" institutions that are being handed land to organize on public property. On the other hand, the greek system can't be faulted for good organization skills (skills that produce driven students and impressive fundraising/volunteer efforts in our community.) People join these groups to feel validated. Oprah said on her final episode everyone wants to be validated. Kids show up to college and feel some kind of pressure to join these groups. It could be family, a sense of belonging in an unfamiliar social setting, promising career incentives, political gain, or just their own MTV-fed, brainwashed idea of what college is.
Based on that validation, these kids don't immediately realize that they are part of an elitist cult. Okay I said it, but they don't. I don't imagine they walk in and get handed a pamphlet of the racist agenda and how to proliferate it. It's just something that is bred and whispered through the ages because we are at the heart of a scar on American history that is centuries old. They don't look at their houses and see the resemblance of plantation houses. They don't look at their pledge brothers and see just white faces. They see faces they identify with. Just like I look at my friends and see LGBT and LGBT-friendly faces. We associate with people we have commonality with because we fear change.
The main thing to remember is that these things come from a select few. Leaders make decisions that affect the masses and hardly ever truly reflect the heart and soul of the people they are making decisions for. The nation is throwing a loathsome eye at Alabama with the upholding our newest immigration bill that make the streets unsafe for anyone of Latino descent, even if you are as legal as apple pie on a windowsill after church on Sundays. Comments on articles from people around the nation lump Alabama as a whole. We are all racist hicks even though we had nothing to do with this bill. Countries around the world have negative views on Americans because of the actions of our leaders that we as people have no hand in. The same is true for greek individuals vs. their leaders.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that the greek system is somewhat racist, but its not individuals' faults, but it is because if you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem, but really it's not about racism, but it is, but we're all a little elitist in our own ways already, but that's the nature of people, but there is a problem prevalent, but we don't have our finger quite on that problem just yet, but it's completely obvious to everyone what that problem is, but when do you stop playing the race card when maybe the problem is much bigger than just that.
Hate is an energy. It cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only change form. From black hate to gay hate to Latino hate to white hate to femininity hate and back and around 'til everyone gets some good ole hate. You can only hope that as the cycle comes your way, you don't let that hate become you. Pointing fingers directs attention away from ourselves. Maybe we all need to start focusing ourselves before we tell others what they need to fix?
Did I actually make a point? I think I might have. . .
Over and Out,
The Coming Out Heard Round the World
8:14 AM
Posted by The Queer
This video is more than just a coming out video. It is the climatic point of a five month journey in which a US military serviceman shows his face in the light of the repeal of DADT just made. Under the account of AreYouSurprised on YouTube, this young man has made videos documenting his experience (headlessly and anonymously) as a gay man in the military -- telling his close friends, going through the mandatory DADT Repeal Training, turning 21, and everything in between. And get this . . . he's from Alabama as well. (Oh and he's very cute.) I'm all smiles watching this today and I think you will be too.
Over and Out,
What I Learned When I Was Wasted at SD11
10:52 AM
Posted by The Queer
Gurl I've still got my sunglasses on and a Starbucks in my hand as I've just returned from a hellaciously gay ole time in N'aawwwlins, Lessianna for Southern Decadence 2011. Hunty I saw things there that would put Michele Bachmann into a conservative coma for 22 years and she'd wake up to find a gay US supreme court justice making it rain glitter all over the Constitution. Yes, SD11 was one for the books and that book needs to be burned. Beyond the alcohol abuse, boys on the bar, and general disregard for public indecency laws, I was able to find the education in my surroundings. Yes, it's there. You have to stay at just the right buzz level to see it.
What is really amazing about events like SD is the feeling of being in a crowd on a street and not feeling in any way like the minority. Someone special once described the feeling they got this year at Pensacola Pride like this and it really is spectacular if you take just five seconds to realize it. We weren't tucked into a bar for a couple nights a week and then expected to assimilate the next morning. No, it was glitter 24/7 as far as the eye could see. And not just because of the glitter literally in my eye. My sister whom I've yet to meet but hear is quite the lady, Miss Daisy GlammourHammour Kardashian was said to have caused a stir in the streets. Where else can a drag duchess ('cause she definitely ain't no queen from what I hear) walk the streets in daylight, have brunch, and administer flu shots to the elderly without the slightest of upset? Oh, anywhere beyond Bible Belt? My bad. Anygay, it's those moments that remind you that there is a gay culture beyond ourselves. We aren't alone. There is life on other planets called California and New York City. And sometimes they visit.
What is also interesting is the subcultures. You know they exist too, but we are rarely immersed in them in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Most of our gay culture only revolves around drag queen performances and wearing fratty clothes even at the gay bar. We don't really like stepping outside the conservative norms around here. We tiptoe at best. But even tiptoe-ing moves you forward and that's the most we can ever ask for. Besides, we are in a college town and have just begun building our own gay identities for the most part and have our whole lives to figure out who we are. So next time you are at a LGBT pride event, be sure to sip your vodka Redbull a little slower and really take it all in. Watch the circles of subcultures all playing together. We really are beautiful.
Over and Out,
VMA's 2011 Performances That Mattered
1:55 PM
Posted by The Queer
Gaga does drag. Beyonce is preggers. And Britney is outdone by a bunch of pre-teens in her own tribute. I keed! I keed! Don't get your panties all tied up til the world ends. The MTV 2011 VMA's didn't deliver too much punch this year, but we saw some deserving nominees walk home with a few D-List Moonmen trophies. We also saw a few people who got recognized for being douchebags, all of them coincidentally having penises. Let's face it . . . men have no place in the music industry right now unless collaborating with a female artist or having a voice that naturally sings in the female register. A character known as "Tyler the Creator" who is famed for eating and throwing up a cockroach in a video and then "hanging himself" was voted Artist of the Year. He is also known for homophobic slurs in his lyrics so that's absolutely fantastic. . .
Gaga took home awards for Best Female Video and Best Video With A Message for "Born This Way." Brintey won Best Pop Video with "Til The World Ends" and Nicki Minaj got Best Hip-Hop Video. Katy Perry's "Firework" took Video of the Year which makes me happy since that song has such a terrific message as well. The rest do not matter.
You can catch some of the top performances below including Gaga/"Colderone"'s opening, Adele, Chris Brown's fabulous lip-synch dance (the performance really is quite nice,) Britney's tribute, Beyonce serving it, and Bruno Mars's tribute to the late Amy Winehouse.
And just to clarify one more time, if you are someone who identifies as "queer" and you can't respect Lady Gaga's attempt to bend gender norms in front of millions of people, you don't understand much about yourself. If you can't understand what that means, you need to start asking some questions about your culture. You don't have to like it, but you will respect it or just go ahead and lump yourself with the billions of people who desire and expect a heteronormative world that doesn't have to experience queer identity in society.
Over and Out,
She's Got The Look
10:56 AM
Posted by The Queer

Dorm Attack 2011
1:20 PM
Posted by The Queer
Summer is coming to a blazing end. Literally it's been so hot my lady bits have melted off. With the end of summer comes so many things in Tuscaloosa, AL. It marks the arrival of football season, the begin of my LAST year at UA, and the mass influx of students either returning or moving here for their first time. To the upperclassmen, you have an idea of what you're doing. Today I'm talking to our incoming freshmen should they have already found the CQ.
I remember that first day on campus. My mother came along to get me in the door. My two best friends were there the entire weekend because they didn't want to leave me. And I got so amazingly wasted off Captain Morgan that I now reserve Captain + Coke as my true party drink. It's not a thing anyone can really prepare you for, but here are a few tips and tweets for moving to campus that should get you on your way.
1. You're going to need to go shopping. Of course you're going to need essentials like garbage bins, cleaning materials, poptarts, whatever. If you can avoid it, do not go to Target on the first weekend. Dear Gaga, the lines go around the entire store and it is a madhouse. Figure out what your moving plan is and how much room in the car you have to spare. Don't let the excitement get the best of you. Those lines can suck it.
2. Be careful if you drink in your dorm. Figure out if your RA and your roommates are cool first. Some RAs are just douchebags who think their sole job is to enforce morality and academic aptitude in their dorm. They are douches. Don't allow beer cans or liquor bottles to stack up anywhere in the common areas. Keep them hidden. Keep your door locked and always inspect the peephole before opening. Loud music will bring them to you faster so monitor how loud Lady Gaga is. And if you don't recognize someone at the door, immediately have everyone store their drinks either in a bathroom area or locked in someone's room.
3. Beware of the gimmicks. UA is full of them. There are several events that are apart of Week of Welcome and the rest of you college career that you should do, but more often than not they are just stupid. Don't let them put stars in your eyes with a DJ and free shirts. But by all means go and see what I mean.
4. Meeting your roommates if you did random assignment is awkward. Establish communication with them, go eat at Lakeside or the Ferg together. But I warn you to not make them your immediate friend base that you do everything with. You will eventually not like at least one or all of them. And if you are closeted, be careful how you interact with them. Don't allow yourself to be even more in the closet than you already were. This is a time for growth.
5. Design. Bring some life to that communist cubicle of a dorm. Get a tension rod and some curtains at Targeet. IKEA has great, cheap decorative pieces to liven up the space. Those walls need lots of love too. Artwork is necessary and readily available. Be sure to get those Command Hooks. And if nothing else, by all means you must get alternative lighting in there! GET LIGHTING! Those fluorescent lights will drive you to the brink of insanity. Get a lamp or two (once again IKEA is a great stop for that) with some low watt bulbs (15-45) to bring some softer lighting to your space.
Now that doesn't nearly cover it. That's just all I care to spend my time on. The rest is all discovery. Life on campus can be nothing short of incredible. My life changed forever since I first stepped into Lakeside West three years ago. Yours will too, wherever you are placed. Welcome to the University of Alabama.
Over and Out,
Death Becomes Her
7:58 PM
Posted by The Queer
I try not to, but occasionally I find myself stumbling into questions about death, my death, and what will be. I think about where I used to be and how those are days to which I can never return. My father used to tell me about driving himself into mad frenzies thinking about the same things and the best advice anyone could ever give him was that no one has those answers, so there is no reason to waste life pondering those questions. Right?
I usually don't swim into these waters on here like this but lately it just seems like everywhere I turn I'm seeing ways that I could have potentially died. I feel like I'm perpetually on Final Destination 703. I constantly dream about dieing. Always in water, not by drowning. Always with something "chasing" me. So I always feel in a state of flux. I'm either questioning my death. Or continually realizing that life only moves forward to death and you never get a chance to loop back around. No passing "Go" and no $200. It may be a big circle of life, but you're only one rotation on it. Well shit.
On my way home tonight I recalled my years on the track team. Yes you bitch, I did a sport. No one said I was any good, but I was persistant. Anygay, for any length running event, you succeeded if you kept looking to the horizon. Looking back at anyone behind you only slowed you down considerably. So I have to keep my sights only looking forward in life. Looking forward to possibilities and experiences. Maybe only if I submit to this will these dreams and uneasy thoughts subside. Hell, if not then maybe I should lay off the midnight pork skins and ambien martinis.
Over and Out,
A New Blogger This Way Comes
3:41 PM
Posted by The Queer
A new blogger worth reading has hit Tuscaloosa bringing up-to-date music scoops that are simply fantastic. It's my new favorite haunt on my daily round of blog reads. Adrian Garcia, occasional bartender at Icon, operates The A List on He has been getting mass traffic and definitely worth sliding onto your favorites. He has already found his way to the CQ navigation. I can't wait to see what else happens in the future of the A List as Adrian adds to the queer dialogue of Tuscaloosa! Werk.
Over and Out,
The Best Birthday I Ever Had
2:18 PM
Posted by The Queer
Birthdays are not a big deal for me. They come and go and the less of a big deal you make about them, the better off everyone is. People are just on a heightened sensitivity level on birthdays whether or not it's theirs or someone they know for some reason. That's why I typically would rather just eat somewhere quiet with a couple of people and treat it like another day. I used to be a big birthday boy until my parents divorced when I was six. We had a huge party every year and since then I've just rather it come and go without a big to-do.
But I just couldn't let this one pass me by without somewhat of a fuss. In case you didn't realize, the Queer just turned 21 this past Thursday, July 14. This one was a big deal for me. Not only did it legalize my favorite past time, but it really meant to me that I could now go anytime and anywhere to the places where my favorite people frequented. There are plenty of places in town that you just can't always enter on the arm of a regular or flash your ID and a wink too quick for the door guy to do the math in his head. And you sure as hell can't sneak around a bar where everyone knows your name, age, and tendencies for disaster. So last week was very special and I thank everyone who made it so beautiful. A midnight toast at Icon, a fabulous dinner at Evangeline's, the premiere of Harry Potter, the Glitter Bomb, and a brunch on Saturday to bring it all to a terrific end. My sister, Jaja Kardashian, and my beautiful boyfriend, Brian, have gone above and beyond and I'm just beside myself reflecting on last week.
I guess I learned that what has happened in your past does not always have to be your present. It's never to late break tradition and try something new. I also learned that the liquor store really is as glamorous as I always imagined.
Over and Out,
2:42 PM
Posted by The Queer
The day has come for the city to burn queerlings. July, 14th your CampusQueer turns 21! It has been a long time coming. Since my childhood officially ends the night of the 14th with my 21st burfenday AND the release of the final Harry Potter film at midnight, I will be saving the blowout for Friday night. And there could be no better place for it to all come down than Icon. Genesis will be hosting the G-Spot with Bambi Kira and her very special guest, Miss Continental, Mokha Montrese! Some of you know about all that mess. Some of you will find out. I expect fantastically fabulous outfits and such fucked-upness this side of the Mississippi has never seen. You will dance. Click the poster now to RSVP.
Bring your fierce face and all the trannies you know.
Out and About,
Ultra Records is Taking Over the Hip Hop Nation
2:10 PM
Posted by The Queer
Over and Out,
I'm On The Edge
6:10 PM
Posted by The Queer
We've seen it all from her. She has given us murder, money, and molta
bella. Our Lady has never spared one resource or re-take to deliver
videos that are artistically astonishing and leave us craving more.
'Edge of Glory' took us back somewhere and sometime where all that was
unnecessary and it's been received both well and . . . not so well.
song at first lost me. Wasn't interested. With every new song, it
usually takes a hot second for me to find my connection with it and a
romance with it as well. This video sparked that romance. It is clean,
simple, and honest. No controversial rhetoric, no astounding visuals. In
fact it's that less-than-astounding factor that makes it astounding.
The set looks fake and forced. There's no massive wardrobe. No beautiful
dancers or rehearsed choreography. Just Gaga doing Gaga. And some sax.
It's as if she showed up, pressed play, and told the camera crew to just
keep up. The released video is different than the original concepts developed between Gaga and former director Joseph Kahn. Kahn has produced "Love Game" and "Eh Eh" videos, but was dismissed for this video after some type of disagreement between the two. Instead, Gaga took over as director.
I feel this speaks to the perfect New York in her head
where her music comes from and without a doubt to 80's videos for this very 80's inspired song. This is the space from which all her creative force
pours and we've been invited inside for a very personal moment between her and the viewer. This is a truly special song
for her. It is inspired by her first experience of personal loss - the
death of her grandfather.
"My Grandma said, 'Joey (her Grandpa) just go,'" says Gaga. "And we left the room and he
died. And I remember he just gave this look to her that said ‘I won.’
Like I’m a champion. So the ‘Edge of Glory’ is not just
about falling in love or about dying, but it’s about being on the
glorious edge of that glorious championship of your life.” I absolutely teared up after reading that.

Over and Out,
Central Alabama Pride 2011
2:44 PM
Posted by The Queer
Attention queerlings. Pull out those feather boas, glitter bombs, and other various cliche homosexual paraphernalia. It's Pride! Now with the reinstated blessing of President Obama, we are in the throes of Pride Week in Birmingham and the big stuff is yet to come. This Saturday you can be present for the parade from Highland Avenue, through 5 Points South and to 24th St. in downtown Birmingham. Stepoff will be at 8.30pm, but be a little early to secure your spot along the route. Serving as our Grand Marshall will be Rev. JR Finney II, Senior Pastor of Covenant Community Church. Judas be with us. Afterwards, all of B'hams gay bars will be alive with throngs of queers drunk and ready to revel.
And no need to consider your hangover, because Sunday holds even more inebriated possibilities at the actual PrideFest at Sloss Furnace starting at 1pm. I was there last year and I will be honest. It starts off slow. And it's hot as balls. Not gonna skirt around that. The focus early on is more family-friendly performances. But as it starts to get later, the show really gets started with all the fabulous performers Birmingham has to offer. Your Mr (CQ) and Miss Druid (Genesis) will be hitting the stage around 5pm to represent the Krewe of Druids along with Bambi Kira and her brothel of sultry ladies for a reprise of their performance for the Bal Masque, which was the shit. I'm going to be honest. I have no clue yet what I plan on doing with my time. Me doing things at the last minute? Who would have thought? I may or may not pull it together, but either way I plan on letting my drink dance for me. Our big entertainers this year are FLAVA the Artist and Christa Jackson! After parties of course throughout the night. I will be sure to see you there. Watch out for the CQ logo walking around!
Over and Out,
The Fiercest Video I've Ever Seen
1:40 PM
Posted by The Queer
As the end of my most previous trip to the Big Easy was nearing close, imagine the look at my face when this video popped up on the screens at the Bourbon Pub! I was bewildered, inspired, and slightly moist. Most videos get plopped into the QueerHear, but this demanded much more than the obscurity of that list. I hope one day to bring innovative looks like these into my club repertoire. Will I? Probably not. I get far too plastered before I'd be able to accomplish all this. I'd rather just smear some black paint on my face and call it a night.
Over and Out,
Gettin' Back to Business
12:55 PM
Posted by The Queer
OK. Here goes.
So I haven't been able to bring myself to post since what happened in Tuscaloosa and across the South on April 27. I'm still not sure what gave me such a strong block, but nothing seemed to come out right. I actually have drafts that I couldn't bring myself to finish and post. But with the month of June brings us LGBT Pride Month and Central Alabama Pride Week and I can't let disaster stop me from bringing you queer newsish tidbits. I have a self-appointed duty to you, myself, and especially the new class of freshmen coming to our campus. Thank you to those who have sent messages to my inbox about CQ. Came across them today and reminded myself to get over the bullshit. So without gushing on and on, let's just get back to it without all the mess.
Over and Out,
Alabama Arts for AIDS
8:28 AM
Posted by The Queer
I can't believe I almost let this one slip by me. Tomorrow night at Morgan Auditorium I implore you to be a part of the Alabama Arts for AIDS benefit presented by The University of Alabama's Department of Theatre and Dance Musical Theatre Outreach Group, Celebration! The beautiful, talented, enigmatic, slightly inebriated Laura Ballard is heading this event up and you will not want to miss it. Don't act like it's Dead Week so you're going to study, study, study all night. Come support this group and the wonderful talents that make it up. It begins at 7:30pm and will run til 10:30 pm approximately. The event page says "am." Ignore that. Be there in the evening. Now I'm currently not sure if it's an asked donation, a set fee for entry or what. Just have a little cash handy as it is a benefit. I'm excited to see what they bring to the stage and know you are too. Because you're going to be there. And that's that.
Follow the image to the FB event and RSVP.
Over and Out,
Dining Out For Life
8:13 AM
Posted by The Queer
Where's all my thick gurls? This Thursday evening you can be a part of the nationwide event Dining Out For Life right here in Tuscaloosa to help benefit WAAO and AIDS Alabama. While Birmingham has usually been the closest place to go for this event, we are very lucky and proud to have OPUS in downtown Northport open their doors for us this year. Be a part of the fight against AIDS just by having dinner. Show up ready to eat between 5pm and 10:30pm Thursday, April 28, and at least 25% of your ticket will be donated to WAAO and AIDS Alabama respectively. Bring all your friends and let's make a night of it; not only showing support for WAAO, but also for OPUS for joining us in our cause. Check out the FB event page by clicking on the event poster and RSVP now! I will see you there!
Over and Out,
Tee-Time or Grapevine?
1:48 PM
Posted by The Queer
Tomorrow night your can attend either Tee Time presented by Fashion, Inc. or the Resonance spring show. I'm positive that Resonance will deliver a hell of a performance, but I'm invested in the CTID. Hell I'm doing graphic design for them all over the place. And just a side note, and not to offend whoever did it, but the Resonance poster is a little much with the color palette. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to read any of the information. Okay moving on.
Both events begin at 7:30 so you have to choose. Tee Time will be featuring designs from the CTID students and made from recycled t-shirts donated by various student organizations on campus. The $5 admission goes to PieLab in Greensboro. The reception afterwards will feature an auction of the clothing seen from the tented runway on Doster Hall lawn as well as PieLab pies.
Break a leg Resonance and make it work Tee Timers.
Over and Out,
Born This Way Album Cover Released
11:56 AM
Posted by The Queer
You know gurl. I've been on my soapbox for you before. But I may be busy clipping my nails this time. First of all, this font looks like a monkey got aholt of Powerpoint. Is the Haus of Gaga just wasted all the time now? And is this like some play on "Harley-quin"? That would at least be clever. The artwork release was coupled with a line from an album song entitled “Highway Unicorn (Road to Love):”
Fun Now Equals Sad Later
10:16 AM
Posted by The Queer
Well I'm no business professional, but I assume that trannies don't make it far in the hiring process. Except maybe for RuPaul's Drag Race or Dr. Witt's receptionist offices. You can put on your zoot suits and your business best, but there exists a far more telling presence than yourself. Your online presence. Your "fame monster." What does your facebook and twitter say about you? Mine sure as hell says alot that I may not want everyone to think. I know that and I STILL let things invade it that make me just look like a damn tranny hot mess. And on some accounts, I may just be. But that doesn't mean I need to sling my cat around the Internet willy nilly. It's time to edit myself. And you should do the same.
Social media may be killing us.
I don't think that means forsaking everyone and acting like Mr. PrissyPants PoostyTwat. Just edit. Look at what you have, figure out what says what about you, and make decisions that protect your future rather than make you look cute now. Because what's fun now is just sad later. We are drunk off Facebook and the hangover is coming gurl.
Some of you already do this. Good. Some of us don't. Or perhaps think we do, but don't. My Birmingham momma (C. R.) always warns me of the potential danger I pose to myself with the tranny show that is my Facebook. I know he's right. I know to fix it. I just haven't because the real world has been existing outside of my happy bubble of college life. With a year before that bubble bursts, I'm now faced with the reality that has been looming. I want to be a wedding designer. What bride wants a cracked out, bumbling little boy putting together the biggest day of her life? Well, not a bride that I want at least.
I think once we all hit that senior year or so, it's time to start getting our shit together. Wouldn't you agree? Be proactive. Don't just try to even clean up your act. Polish it. Start creating a true presence that people want to look at. Invest in yourself. As RuRu always says, "If you can't love yourself, how the HELL you gonna love anyone else?" I think that fits into the moral of this story.
Don't let your own talents be marred by your "Facebook Fame." Edit yourself and evaluate what really matters. Gays have more fun. We all know it. We no longer have to prove it. So that one photo with you motor-boating a drag queen while spilling a drink on a gap tooth lesbian may have to go. It doesn't mean we're going to forget it happened.
Control, right-click, delete.
Over and Out,
Get Silenced
3:43 PM
Posted by The Queer
Today, April 15, is marked as the annual Day of Silence. Across the nation supporters of the gay community take a vow of silence to observe and bring attention to anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in our schools. Spectrum is providing handbills you can pass out to people you encounter to let them know you aren't speaking and inform them of why. I already have a handful prepared in my purse. As well as the silence from 6am-6pm there are other events coinciding with the Day of Silence.
When you get hungry, you can be a part of a silent lunch at the Ferg with members of Spectrum. I think a large silent area could be interesting in that shit show so the more, the better.
The fabulous women of the Alapine Community near Mentone, AL will be at the Ferg Forum to have an open discussion. On Day of Silence? Well just bring a whiteboard and we'll play pictionary. I have heard only wonderful, wonderful things about these women who in live in an all-lesbian commune and look forward to finally meeting them.
Breaking the Silence event at the Ferg Game Room with a reception following will close out the day with a few speakers I presume as well as the awarding of the Elliot Jackson Jones Scholarship courtesy of Capstone Alliance, the faculty LGBT organization. Come have some snacks, break your silence, and do some mingling!
Get your handbills. E-mail professors to let them know you won't be throwing your two cents in for the day. And don't go through any drive-throughs. I went to the door at the ChicK-Fil-A on McFarland last year and wrote down my order. (PS - Still going strong on the Chick-Fil-A boycott. Werk.) Make this simple gesture to encourage people to think about the words they say with cruel intentions. School was rough. You remember. Be silent for them.
Over and Out,
Please Bubble In Heavy and Dark
3:06 PM
Posted by The Queer
So I'm sitting in my wedding planning class this morning. I want to design other people's weddings. Obviously not my own since me sitting at home knitting sweaters for my cats with a another man filing our convenient tax breaks we receive as a married couple would indeed not please Jeeeeezus. Where was I? Wedding class. 9am. Right. Now these other sorostitutes are in there planning their own weddings I have come to assume. Today's subject was "Life After Marriage." I sit in the back because I'm tall, always late, and a tad poosty. I'm watching these girls take notes and it's like a damn marionette show. Every little thing has to be written down for later examination. They aren't even listening anymore for fear to lack a punctuation mark.
Everytime, all those little noggins bob down and you can hear their hot lead furiously scratching away. Then they look up and await their next vital piece of information. It. Drives. Me. Insane. Just listen dammit! Notes are to help you later recall. Not to publish a dossier. That is what is wrong with us. With me and you and your cousin Billy who has this fabricated, capitalist dream disease called "ADHD." (No, it's not a disease. It's a reason to sell parents drugs because they're kids are being to kid-like.) What's wrong with our generation is PROCESS.
We don't know how to think, process information and adapt it, or form ideas. We want A, B, C, or D. And we want it now. Did we get it right? Can we move on to the next question? Are we the winner on the Price is Right?!
But it's not our fault. It's George Bush's. As usual. No Child Left Behind began its haunt while we were getting to the age of standardized testing. It demanded that teachers be assessed on how well students performed on those standardized tests. So teachers said, "To hell with actual instruction! Let's just make sure they can get the majority of those answers right so we can move on and I can pay my rent another month." So here we are now with no ability to implement things we are supposed to learn. Fortunately in college, professors have room to be professors. Too bad their students are too slack-jawed and note obsessed to hear them. We have got to learn to let go. You can't think or be creative by being rigid and stuck inside your damn iPod bubbles. Jot down helpful notes and listen for once.
Oh and none of that applies to bullshit core classes. No. You can just figure out A,B,C, or D for those and take notes. They already expect you to I guess.
Take it for what it's worth or not worth. Take out your earbuds. Look people in the eye. Listen. Comprehend. Utilize. Because what happens when your A, B, C, or D become an essay exam? What do you really know?
Over and Out,
Porch Werk
10:39 AM
Posted by The Queer
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Photography by CAL - As seen at Alabama Art Kitchen. |
There's something significant about a lesbian discussing love and sex with a throng of queers and queer-likes from a porch in Alabama next door to a worship center while a car bee-bops down the alley blaring "Born This Way."
Porches have always been significant in southern culture. We like big wide porches where we can drink sweet tea, discuss who we do and don't like, and wave at the passerbys who may come our way. In theory at least. I personally think a porch is a private stage where one can slip on a dainty corset and werk, drop, and werk. Last night a few brave people werked the stage at the Alabama Art Kitchen as part of a reception for the Breaking Boundaries queer art gallery put on my Creative Campus. (Those kids are really growing on/impressing me.) I was a tad late as my pit stop at the bar took longer than expected after that last one goldschlagger shot. You know how it is. But anygay, Brenna Horrocks shared stories of her own as well as a professor, Wendy Rawlings, who read from her book The Agnostics. It was a tad long-winded for someone with the attention span of a limp tulip, but it sparked this appreciation for what it really was that they represented. They were sharing personal moments on this porch. This stage. It was out loud and unashamed and really beautiful. And we gathered on the small stretch of earth and spilled onto government sidewalks and street pavement and we listened. Not just a handful even. I said earlier a throng. Not just because it makes me giggle. But because it was such a large group of queers that are diverse even in their own queerality. Activist gays, party gays, fag hags, academic lesbians, and just straight up homosexuals by nature were all there.
Brought together by art.
It's what unites us. All art has a way of erasing the lines and bring us together for at least one night it seems to me. Whether it be hanging from a wall downtown or leaping across stage on campus, we appreciate expression. I personally appreciated the expression of my face as one of the pieces last night. Was not expecting that I'll assure you. You can see the photography of Corey Lollar, the writings of Brenna Horrocks, and absolutely more if you stop by the Alabama Art Kitchen this week. If you're confused where it is, its on University Blvd, past the two 69 bridges on the right. Figure it out from there. Go be united by art. Be a part of our collective expression just by popping in for a mere five minutes.
Thank you to Creative Campus, Leigh Thomas, and all the contributors for initiating this expression and making a stand for queer art!
Over and Out,
Breaking Boundaries Art Gallery
9:37 AM
Posted by The Queer
Okay you artsy-fartsy queers. The following transmission is for you. Creative Campus and the Alabama Art Kitchen are hosting an art gallery and reception, Breaking Boundaries, next month featuring pieces created by and for the queer community. If you have any type of artistic piece, either written or visualized, this would be a great way to contribute to queer rhetoric and give you a chance to show off what you've got. You can find out all the details on the Breaking Boundaries Facebook, Campus Creative Website, or contact Leigh Thomas.
You need to act fast. The deadline for submissions is April 1st ( Next Friday!) Don't hesitate with silly questions inside your head. When you're in the shower and Opportunity comes knocking, you don't put on a towel, dry your hair, and floss before you answer the door. You swing it wide open (naked and moist) and say, "Good morning Opportunity! I've been expecting you."
Now for you left-brained dull number crunchers, you can be a part of this too! Visit the gallery at the Alabama Art Kitchen downtown from April 4-15 or be at the Creative Campus reception at the AAK April 12, beginning at 6.30pm. Support the students submitting art as well as the ones putting together this event. It's a free and open event so bring your friends as well. Even the ones who aren't limp-wristed, flame fanning, penis doodling, eyeliner wearing nelly bottom queens. No matter straight, gay, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, you're on the right track if you attend the Breaking Boundaries queer art gallery. See you there!
Over and Out,
First, Suggestive Popsicles. Now, Suggestive Monkey Hats
1:15 PM
Posted by The Queer
My idolized future lover Cazwell is back with his boys. And monkey hats. His newest video for "Get My Money Back" brings back his excellent taste in NYC's finest gogo boys, ability to remove clothing at any given point, and caricature rap style. You'll notice this time he's refining his style with less spastic ass popping (but who doesn't love that?!) and incorporating more choreography. Fortunately I can say he does pop right back into what seems like a scene from "Ice Cream Truck" with hot boys doing free style solos with all his monkies sitting around watching in some seedy part of the Big Apple, where the world's supply of crack cocaine is produced. I love this video. I need my monkey outfit immediately. I feel like Cazwell is really starting to mature in his artistic style. As much as a gay rapper who can't locate his shirt can mature that is. Myself and Misster Mackey give a hats off and over our lady parts for him and his lovely mistress, Amanda Lepore. I'm sure that bitch was on the set somewhere popping pills and sticking monkey tails where they don't belong.
Over and Out,
Support VIVA GLAM and WAAO
12:22 PM
Posted by The Queer
The Unsocial Network
5:17 PM
Posted by The Queer
Maybe you've noticed. I've lost the blogging spirit that once inundated your news feeds. I haven't given up though as much as perhaps I've lost direction and inspiration. It takes determination to continue a blog with even just 1-2 posts a week. Especially now that I've ended what used to be my main focus with CampusQueer - Social Life. I know exactly to what my readers responded. Parties and party pictures. No matter what eloquent and moving messages I could craft, these bitches loved to see themselves and others getting trashy. And I don't blame them. It's slightly intoxicating. But it also painted a picture of a gay community alive, well, and together for the ride. Unfortunately, I think I had to excuse myself from the Monster Plantation boat.
You may have noticed or may not or maybe don't really know who the hell I even am. I just don't do it anymore like I once did. Maybe it's too early to tell and I'm just taking a disco reprieve. But club walk-offs and after parties have subsided to dinner and a night in with close friends and maybe the occasional straight bar romp during the week. I used to associate with so many of you, but now keep to a tighter knit group. Which worries me. Is it just me or is the community we have built falling back into cliques? I really don't know. I don't go out enough to know.
But what is true is that I have lost that connective spark that fueled this blog for over a year. The people and the dancing and the craziness inspired many of these posts. So I guess I just have to gather new wind in my sails. If I can't be a strong social voice, I can still be a voice. And what's even more powerful is the idea that I can regain some substance. I know my average visitor wants photos, photos, photos. I've never been shy with words even though I know most blog readers don't want to do any actual reading, but now it's about even more words and ideas.
I refuse to be the average person who starts a blog, posts for a little bit, and then sees something shiny across the room. As they say in the Krewe, "We've gotta push on through!" So CampusQueer is not over. At least not today. If anyone has made it this far, you should either be doing some yard work, paying attention in class, or doing something more extraordinary perhaps. But thank you for reading. I write for the love of writing and the hopes that it reaches someone who needed to hear something as much as I needed to write it.
So what you and I need to glean from all this is simple. The party is never over. It's just a DJ change. If you get that, run with it. If you don't, then just dance. I'll be on the speaker box throwing the glitter of thought.
Over and Out,
What's My Status?
1:30 PM
Posted by The Queer
Negative. That's right queerlings, the results are in and your queer on campus is HIV negative and happy. Now there wasn't some huge shadow around the idea for me, but since the SOC 360 class and WAAO teamed up to make testing available at the Ferg yesterday and today, I knew there was no other choice. Free testing is provided always by the West Alabama AIDS Outreach here in Tuscaloosa, but with it being made so convienent as just a few hundred yards from where I sit now, I had to oblige. I always speak for HIV/AIDS awareness, so I have to practice what I preach. This was my second test to date and much easier and less faint-worthy than last time. I had to give blood. Ick.
A lot of people my age like to talk about what they think HIV/AIDS is. A lot of people like to talk about people who are living with what has now become a manageable disease with proper healthcare. But not many people my age are even sure of their status, much less the facts of a disease clouded by stigmas and hearsay. The only way to know is to get tested. Don't go to the Student Health Center. Bad decision. They will drip your blood dry and blow up a huge testing charge on your student bill. And from what I hear, confidentialtiy does not run high. If you haven't been tested in the last year, but have been getting your moist debbie cake ravaged, get tested. Protect yourself and protect the people with whom you share yourself. As I always say, "What's scarier? Getting the test and knowing for sure? Or not knowing and making it worse for yourself and others?" There is power in prevention and early detection.
Over and Out,
Hats Off to a Fabulous MKD Bal Masque XVIII
10:21 AM
Posted by The Queer
It's been almost a week since we stormed the Bama with a Mardi Gras show unlike any other in the T. I had an amazing experience entertaining all who came and meeting people from all over. The best part is knowing that it all went to the West Alabama AIDS Outreach which makes a difference right here at home for people living with HIV/AIDS as well as raising awareness and offering free, confidential testing.
What was really special was seeing what this night brought out in people. It brought them together with old friends, new friends, people from all over. It gave some people the opportunity to do what they were born to do - perform. And most importantly it was a night for celebrating who we are as a community.
I hope you were there to share in the revelry! I live for the jello shot throws, Bambi Kira's Lady Marmalade, beads, beads, beads, and the captains' Born This Way walk going nuts with some of my favorite people. I will see you next year and am reserving my spot on the stage should they accept. ;)
My gold lamay booty shorts need another trip 'round the block.
Over and Out,
Pink Party 2011
8:51 AM
Posted by The Queer
Bottom Gets What Bottom Wants
8:07 AM
Posted by The Queer
You know it's true. Today is that day that people in puppy love cherish as their perfect day of copious amounts of anti-depressant induced romance. Others unsatisfied with their love life take it as a chance to broadcast their displeasure in what society has deemed a "lovers day." Well just do what the rest of us do and order a hooker and some pizza and cry in the fetal position while the hooker helps him or herself to a few trinkets from your treasure box and call it a day.
Now for the rest of ya's who have that special someone that you just can't hump enough, I have a message for you that you can take to the bank. Bottom gets what bottom wants. Valentine's Day is the day to give special regards to whoever goes the extra mile to be your submissive pillow princess. It's a tough job but you don't get power with just two plugs. There's got to be a socket. Now that equation can be reworked for one plug, one socket; two plugs, one socket; a few sockets and a big ole plug; whatever. And I'm still not exactly sure what it is you lesbians do, but discuss amongst yourselves how this will work for you. The point is to treat your bottom right today of all days. Take them to dinner. And not to Quick Grill you cheap bastards. Make them something special or get a store-bought card, but you better damn underline special phrases and/or draw little pictures in the margins to make it fuckin' personal. No chocolate or candy. I mean you don't want your lady getting too rough around the edges. Then take them home where you have some champagne or special cocktails waiting and remind them how much they mean to you. Then slam 'em. Hell, you paid for that shit.
Thus concludes CampusQueer's heartfelt message to all the lovers from my bottom to yours. And if you don't have that special someone, it doesn't mean you can't take this day to go out of your way to make someone else feel special. A Valentine doesn't have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever. It can be anyone who brings light into your life the other 364 days of the year.
Over and Out,
Take Your Hand Off Your Banana
10:22 AM
Posted by The Queer
As I was running out the door last night for more Bal-tastic preparations, my roommate continued watching an Argentinian film, Burnt Money. The particular scene depicted a man telling a story I already knew from my father many, many years ago about African monkey traps. I'm going somewhere with this. To catch monkeys, they cut holes in sturdy boxes that are secured with rope and put bananas in them. When the monkey comes to get the banana, the hole is only large enough for them to slide the hand in, but too small for their fists and banana. The monkey wants the free banana so badly that it can't let go and eventually is captured by the tribesmen.
What bananas are we holding onto? I know I've been holding onto one and my hand is sore from clenching my fist onto it for so long. I barely can even let myself look up to the trees to see all the others above me for want of the one in the box below me. In Madonna's Future Lovers she says, "Put away your past, Love will never last, If you're holding on, To a dream that's gone." And you can't very well ignore what Madonna says. Oh and here's the video from that tour just because it's so fantastic.
Also due to my roommate, the WhoreMouse, I've started to converge with the idea that the universe has a way of sending us messages that we need to hear. For this same message to continue to find it's way to me in all media, I think it's time I start to take the its hint. Don't hold me to it. I think we all have a way of remembering the banana in the box, but at some point you have to either get caught or let another monkey put their hand in. Maybe theirs is small enough to get it out?
Over and Out,