social scene: 4.30/5.1

Yeah. I am literally leaving to go to all this stuff now. But better late than never? Stick a ringpop in it. See your lovely or horrid faces out. Gitchyo photo made!

Not Yourself Tonight Christina? Obviously.

Good lord. Christina. Darling. No. So if you haven't seen Christina Aquilera's new video for "Not Myself Tonight" then I urge you to prepare yourself, because instead what you will find is that Our Lady actually just released a second video for her super-smash hit "Bad Romance." Don't believe me? It's true. Now it may say it's Christina, and it may even sound like Christina, but bitches you put that video on mute and squint just a bit, you would swear it was the second version of the Bathhaus of Gaga. Now I'm not trying to bash that cum-guzzling she-hag of a cuntwoman. Not at all. It's just that I do not appreciate her stepping in territory that she is too old and has-beened to be stepping in without ten inch McQueen spikes on. Imitation is the highest form of flattery though so at least she recognizes that Our Lady is OURS and that if she wants us, she must follow Gaga's lead. Next time perhaps not so closely. Please keep 12 feet away from the muse at all times Christina. Now let's just look a few stills I have here to get my point across shall we?

Think that's not so bad? Just wait.

My what lovely sunglasses you have.

Look at you. Burning shit. What. a. bad. bitch.

MmmMmm Honey Bee. For shame Honey Bee Dos.

Oh hell naw. 

And that's just a taste. Whatever. I'm over it. Go see for yourselves. I refuse to post the actual video on the blog. I'm gonna go and copy another Lady Gaga dance to do at Icon tonight. It's okay for me to blatantly copy her. I'm a fag. We have copyright permissions from her by birth.

Over and Out,

Drunk Bitch of the Week: TheFierce StopLady Jaja

Stop breaking my fucking wine glasses bitch. Can't have the wine wednesday YOU conceived without fucking wine glasses. Thanks to all who made it to wine wednesdays this semester. Can't wait to pick back up at me and the Whoremouse's new place. . . in a van down by the river. So classy.

Gen & Juice Recap: Week 9

It's back! I've finally returned with the review of Tuesday night's most skip-skoppin' party in T-Town -- Gen & Juice. One difference here though ladies. We are no longer tearing down the Brickhouse. Oh no. We've moved on to our OWN home! I present to you Icon! It's the T's newest DANCE bar right here on the home turf. Located pretty close to the corner of University and Greensborough, Icon will be presenting Gen & Juice regularly on Tuesdays as well as the triumphant return of the G-SPOT! Yes. You just can't keep a bad bitch down. Kyle Inc. is proud to open up the doors of Icon to all you jiggety-hipped queens and you no longer necessarily have to cart down to that nastyass Quest for your dance fix. Now don't screw this up faggots. This is a real opportunity. We have been making amazing progress for gay identity and visibilty in this town and this is a milestone. Support it! Bars thrive on the people who frequent it and the atmosphere that YOU create. In other words, all you bitches better be at Icon for the Grand Opening this Friday, the 23rd, for the G-SPOT hosted by the AngelGoddess Genesis. Featured guest performer will be none other than Gaga's Asian Invasion, the fierce Regine Phillips as well as hometown heroines Bambi Kira and Serenity. Showtime at 11. RSVP here on Facebook now! Other than that, let's get back to your regularly scheduled Gen & Juice recap.

Genesis, Bambi Kira, and Serenity

You always have to stick around long enough for those $1 shots to make their rounds through folkses circulatory systems. That's when the night really begins.

If you see the CQ out with camera in hand, grab me for a photo to get on here. 

So I will see you all Friday night at Icon where Traditions was once located. Check back here for your OutAbout to see what all went down or see your own face getting tragic on the dance floor. By the by, last night was also Tee-Time. 'Twas my first time designing, sewing, and showing a collection and as soon as I round up some photos (since I was too stressed to snap any) I will present to you the amazing work of Mr. William Bradley and Travis Mackey Designs as well as the work of the Queer's alter-ego, KiDD KRAV! See you soon bitches.

Over and Out,

Out and About: Gayin' it Forward with Guerillas and Sheridan Blows a Circuit

This past Friday evening, Misster Mackey and your Queer had the marvelous, enchanting, and bewildering opportunity to be invited to a party unlike any other - a theatre folk party. Yes, those who amaze us, entertain us, and make us hee-fuckin-haw in that ole Allen Bales for Guerilla Theatre and much more were our company for the evening and I'm obsessed. It's like meeting people you've always seen on reality shows and wanted to party with in real life. I mean we even had an impromptu rave thanks to Sheridan Grant's gracious gift of glowsticks. Not only are they incredibly talented, they are also the most open and fun-loving people. And they drink. Alot. But I ended up passed out in the floor so I guess I just fit in like family don't I?? Some bitch was puking in Glenn's bathroom by midnight and she was from Samford. So Glenn took a photo of her hotmess right there in upstage right. She's from Samford so who cares. If you have never been to Guerilla Theatre, it is an ABSOLUTE must! It happens once a month here on campus at Allen Bales at 11pm. Just keep tabs on the CQ Facebook because I always let you know when it's going on so you can join. I cannot wait for my chance to party with these cool kids again.

Now Saturday night was a bit of a different story. Pink Box Burlesque hosted the Butch and Nancy Variety Show to benefit the Eliot Jackson Jones memorial scholarship. The good news is they met capacity which means they raised the maximum profit from the slighty steep door cover. At least it went to a great cause. That's what I kept telling my gay self. My mother, Sheridan Grant was the absolute highlight of the night, coming out of retirement for a hot count to support the cause. J. Burford and Jazz F. also had excellent spoken words to share. That's about where my good comments end. I do commend the troupe for doing this show in support of us though, so I keep the rest of my comments to myself. I wouldn't be as bitter if it weren't their little cunt of a backstage manager who sassed Misster Mackey and the Queer on separate occasions. She is evil and must be destroyed. Where was I? Whatever. We raised alot of money and Sheridan was fabulous. There you go.

Over and Out,

Day of Silence 2010

wine wednesday: In Honor of Steven F.

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Out and About: Welcome to Savannah Mr. Cordle!

So finally catching up on another burfenday for one of our queerling, let us review the soiree of one Nathan C. Having a bit of a history in event design, I was very pleased with the way this party was put together. I love a kegger and all, but a cocktail party is what really suits the CQ. Themed on Midnight in the Garden of Good annd Evil to honor Nathan's love for all things Savannah and southern. With the Arnold Palmer, a signature cocktail of sweet tea, homeade lemonade, and Firefly vodka; and twine-adorned mason jars; fine southern hors de'ourves by our fabulous Miss Callie; Spanish moss; and candlelight, this was what any great cocktail party should be. We brought Nathan into his 20's in style. You know my crew had to roll in there with signature black and white with a an arrangement of tulips. Once again, thank you Dr. Witt for all those damn tulips on campus. I am having a damn field day with them.  This event 'twas fabulous in every sense and exactly what I expect from such a classy queer as Mr. Nathan and his wifey, Callie. And since your CQ broke his camera the night before, I would like to thank Jessica Geisen for providing photos for this post as well as video. I need to get that bitch fixed before my next Out and About!

Over and Out,

Robyn Ochs is Here! A Must See!

Hey queerlings! So today we have a special guest on campus! Robyn Ochs is a driving force in gay activism and is here to share her wisdom with us. Below is the information that is on the FB event page to give you an idea of who she is and what she is about as well as details of where to be and when. I sincerely hope to see you there! It is a completely public event.

On Tuesday, April 13th the University of Alabama will have its first visit from noted speaker, writer, and bisexual activist Robyn Ochs. Robyn is Robyn Ochs is a long-time activist, professional speaker, and workshop leader. Her primary fields of interest are Identity and Coalition Building. She is the editor of the new, 42-country anthology Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World; and the quarterly newsletter, Bi Women. Robyn has taught courses on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) history and politics in the United States, and the experiences of those who transgress the binary categories of gay|straight, masculine|feminine, black|white and|or male|female. She has spoken at hundreds of colleges, universities, and conferences in the US and beyond, and is the recipient of numerous awards, most recently the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Susan J. Hyde Activism Award and the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus Lifetime Achievement Award.

Robyn will be giving two different talks on the 13th and all UA students, faculty, staff, and community members are encouraged to attend these amazing and interactive workshops. The first workshop will begin at 3:30pm and Mrs. Ochs will be giving her keynote address at 7pm. Both events will take place in Gorgas 205 and refreshments will be served.

And afterwards we can mass exodus gayly forward to the Brickhouse for it's final hosting of Gen & Juice! Never fear though. This isn't the end of our juicy Tuesday nights. It's only the beginning. The next Tuesday is going to be absolutely ICON-ic! More to come on that. So I will see you fairies and Mary's out at Gorgas for this wonderful speaker who is so influential for our community and later for a little tragic hotmessedy. RSVP on Facebook NOW for  Robyn Ochs and Gen & Juice at the Brickhouse!

Over and Out,

Out and About: Cody S. Gets The Shocker

Yes, it's been a hot minute. I have been working harder than a hot-greased Asian seamstress on 15th Street working on my mini-collection for Tee-Time. More on that later. Anygay, I look like an old cat lady and feel like hell but nonetheless I am here with your Out and About update, specifically the burfenday celebration of one Cody S! There was a keg. There were jello shots. And the CQ was passed out on the couch with the quickness. It sure as hell took some skill to navigate your ass out to that house, but surprising the birthday boy was the name of the game. He knew he was having a party that night. He just thought he was hosting his own. Welcome to your 20's Cody. You've got one gay foot in your gay grave.

Congratulations B'day boy! Your man was locking lips with a vag on your special day. You lose. 

Our previous Drunk Bitch of the Week was a terrific jello shot buddy. Leading up to a Telephone dance session.

The next day I had lost my phone, my car, and broken my camera (which greatly affects my ability to do these Out and About posts now. . .) Sounds like a successful evening to be sure. Nathan C.'s soiree and more to come! Just let me finish these damn slutty ass garments I'm making. 

Over and Out,

The Caged Bird Singing

What's keeping us here? What invisible force around us is keeping us in check to stay where we are, do what we are supposed to do, and be the people we are expected to be? I often imagine a day when I pack up my jeans, v-necks, and assortment of shoes for all occasions to go on a self-appointed quest; a lofty venture into the world with no clue where I am going. Arriving city to city with a new name every night, I could be anyone I wanted with no one the wiser. There wouldn't be schedules. There wouldn't be worries. There would just be me. You would never hear my name again except in odd moments when you look around and ask, "Where did David go?" People would shrug and people would move along.

And don't think I've forgotten about you. No, the CQ knows. You've thought the same thing too. You've been sitting next to the window in lit class on a warm spring day imagining leaping out and running 'til you were somewhere you had never been before. Instead, we both leave class, go home and keep the clockwork turning. I want my wrench. I want to throw it as hard as I can into the gears, stop time and live on impulse. Where's you wrench? We both have them right in our hands, we are just too afraid of the big, wide world to throw them.

So I will be here today. And probably the next day. But one day, I have to break free. You have to break free. We're called "queer" so live queer. Do queer things. Leap out the window. Maybe I'll see you on the yellow brick road.

Over and Out,

Very Complex and Intricate Instructions for Walking on Sidewalks

These dumb bitches. How hard is it to follow common etiquette for sidewalk passage? Don't think it exists?  Then you are probably part of the problem. We have for driving on public roads with the dotted, spotted, blotted yellow lines. The same rules apply for walking on sidewalks. Stay on your side. That leaves room for oncoming pedestrians to continue on their merry way without having that horribly awkward, "Oh god, how do I pass this dumb fuck?" and you both teeter on your little feets fretting who is going to go which way.

Another common tool we use on our road systems of America is speed limits. Limits are not necessarily relevant for sidewalks, but a common accepted speed is quite so. Moping along, shuffling your feet? I'll run your dumbass over. I got some child-bearing hips that will most certainly be-bop your ass right damn out of my way. I got places to go. Let's keep it brisk folks.

I really hope my readers are the kind of people that understand these common rules of etiquette. I really, really hope my readers are the type chortling in agreement. I super really hope if you ARE the type of person I am targeting that you can stop being a naughty little pedesrtrian and modify your bad habits. Or there's a spanking in store for you.

Over and Out,

wine wednesday

 So that ole' Lady JaJa came by this past Sunday for a an impromptu celebration for Our Lady's burfenday, but as she was totting on out, his tranny ass suggested the CQ to host a weekly wine wednesday. It didn't take much consideration at all and 72 hours later we were in the throes of a terrific soiree complete with wine, cheese, and some drunk freshmen. I knew we were in trouble though when the house mother, Sheridan Grant showed up with two bottles of vodka. As if it wasn't bad enough that the week wasn't already tainted with Gen & Juice on Tuesday nights, but now we just continue it on into Wednesdays as well. So trashy. We even had some straight people bouncing up in there with their absolutely lovely Arbor Mist. . .I hope all their queer questions were resolved, such as "Why do you act girly and call each other "gurl" if you don't like them?" Silly straight people. Thanks to everyone who came out and was able to see themselves out. Love to all our freshmen who projectile vomited across all corners of campus.

   "Raise a glass to men, to all the broken hearts of all my fucked up friends!"
It's okay you spilled merlot on my carpet. Just expect photos like these to surface. Parker is our Drunk Bitch of the week.

Over and Out,

Gen & Juice Recap: Week 6

Oh queerlings, this past Tuesday we wasn't takin' no calls 'cause we was dancin'. The AngelGoddess, Genesis, had the Brickhouse dank hot once again with guest performer Bambi Kira. There were many unfamiliar faces this time and the CQ was rolling without his usual crew so it was a little strange at first. But as you may recall, this week was the "Telephone" Dance-Off Challenge. Girl, I had my outfit, my dance, and damn honey buns. I ain't lying. I heard that first "Hello hello baby" and was ready to hit it. And you won't believe it, but indeed I was completely sober the entire night. It was like an out-of-body experience to be sure. The CQ finally claimed his first WIN in the dance-off, even though I kinda forgot what the hell I was doing a couple times. It will be perfected next time though. As I was rolling out in the wee hours, I ran into none other than that Lady JaJa and her posse JUST then showing up. I've been known to be tardy, but they were showing up as we were shutting down. Damn gurl. I better see you all out and about next week. It's finally here - the "Single Ladies" Dance-Off Challenge. Time to break out your House of Dereon bodysuits!

  Mr. Long and that Porsha Black came as fierce as HELL in their Telephone get-ups!

Be sure to go RSVP for next week's Gen & Juice at the Brickhouse!

Over and Out,