What a day. A peculiar day. Nothing particularly interesting has happened. I haven't accomplished any great feats. I feel very contained and wrapped in my thoughts and emotions tighter than usual. I haven't eaten much, have yet to shower, and have no desire to go celebrate Mardi Gras weekend, Druid's Bal, or just the fact it's a Saturday night. I think I have just been reflecting on where my life has gone in the past year. One year ago today, I met somebody who truly changed the wind in my sails and I would never have imagined the effect it would have on the person I am now and will become. Intriguing, isn't it, how people can step into our lives with such an impact before we even notice where these whirlwinds of change have taken us? It's like that giant banner that you see where kids paint their hands in different colors and press them against it, leaving a collection of tiny palms, fingers, and drips of paint on an otherwise clean, white piece of paper. I have all these handprints on me; sometimes as Elphaba tells Glinda, "like a handprint on my heart."

Sometimes, when I feel I have somehow lost a connection with something in my life, I have music I can listen to and it seems to create this bridge for me to a time or maybe a place when things were the way I thought they should be. Today, I feel especially drawn into the arms of the music by Scott Alan, an especially gifted songwriter. I thought it would be only right to share these songs and these voices in hopes that someone out there needed their own bridge as well. The last one is actually performed by the man behind the music, Scott Alan.

Over and Out,