Hats Off to a Fabulous MKD Bal Masque XVIII

It's been almost a week since we stormed the Bama with a Mardi Gras show unlike any other in the T. I had an amazing experience entertaining all who came and meeting people from all over. The best part is knowing that it all went to the West Alabama AIDS Outreach which makes a difference right here at home for people living with HIV/AIDS as well as raising awareness and offering free, confidential testing.

Before anything else, some people in my life need a huge moment of appreciation. My dancers: Lance Wilson, Steven Fleck, Jon Hart, Cody Flemmings, and Miss Chris Varallo who stepped in a week before the show, worked so hard and dealt with my BS from beginning to end and helped build the performance into what you saw on stage. Travis Mackey, who provided key pieces, kept us on track constantly, and was my stage mother. Robby Johnson and Brian, you kept me together and inspired me to do my absolute best. And thank you to everyone in the MKD who gave me this opportunity to share with them, especially Michele Massey, Ray Taylor, Jill Parsons, Drew Williams, Gil Mobley,  Rick Funk. I love what you guys do!

What was really special was seeing what this night brought out in people. It brought them together with old friends, new friends, people from all over. It gave some people the opportunity to do what they were born to do - perform. And most importantly it was a night for celebrating who we are as a community.

 I hope you were there to share in the revelry! I live for the jello shot throws, Bambi Kira's Lady Marmalade, beads, beads, beads, and the captains' Born This Way walk going nuts with some of my favorite people. I will see you next year and am reserving my spot on the stage should they accept. ;)
My gold lamay booty shorts need another trip 'round the block.

Over and Out,

Pink Party 2011

Thanks to our fabulous performers Genesis and Roxxxy Andrews and our pre-party hostess, Miss Marianna. And of course another amazing party thanks to none other than Kyle Richardson who makes PP happen every year! We will see you in 2012.

Bottom Gets What Bottom Wants

You know it's true. Today is that day that people in puppy love cherish as their perfect day of copious amounts of anti-depressant induced romance. Others unsatisfied with their love life take it as a chance to broadcast their displeasure in what society has deemed a "lovers day." Well just do what the rest of us do and order a hooker and some pizza and cry in the fetal position while the hooker helps him or herself to a few trinkets from your treasure box and call it a day.

Now for the rest of ya's who have that special someone that you just can't hump enough, I have a message for you that you can take to the bank. Bottom gets what bottom wants. Valentine's Day is the day to give special regards to whoever goes the extra mile to be your submissive pillow princess. It's a tough job but you don't get power with just two plugs. There's got to be a socket. Now that equation can be reworked for one plug, one socket; two plugs, one socket; a few sockets and a big ole plug; whatever. And I'm still not exactly sure what it is you lesbians do, but discuss amongst yourselves how this will work for you. The point is to treat your bottom right today of all days. Take them to dinner. And not to Quick Grill you cheap bastards. Make them something special or get a store-bought card, but you better damn underline special phrases and/or draw little pictures in the margins to make it fuckin' personal. No chocolate or candy. I mean you don't want your lady getting too rough around the edges. Then take them home where you have some champagne or special cocktails waiting and remind them how much they mean to you.  Then slam 'em. Hell, you paid for that shit.

Thus concludes CampusQueer's heartfelt message to all the lovers from my bottom to yours. And if you don't have that special someone, it doesn't mean you can't take this day to go out of your way to make someone else feel special. A Valentine doesn't have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever. It can be anyone who brings light into your life the other 364 days of the year.

Over and Out,

Baby We Were Born This Way!

 Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Radio Version) by AnimalMon

Take Your Hand Off Your Banana

 As I was running out the door last night for more Bal-tastic preparations, my roommate continued watching an Argentinian film, Burnt Money. The particular scene depicted a man telling a story I already knew from my father many, many years ago about African monkey traps. I'm going somewhere with this. To catch monkeys, they cut holes in sturdy boxes that are secured with rope and put bananas in them. When the monkey comes to get the banana, the hole is only large enough for them to slide the hand in, but too small for their fists and banana. The monkey wants the free banana so badly that it can't let go and eventually is captured by the tribesmen.

What bananas are we holding onto? I know I've been holding onto one and my hand is sore from clenching my fist onto it for so long. I barely can even let myself look up to the trees to see all the others above me for want of the one in the box below me. In Madonna's Future Lovers she says, "Put away your past, Love will never last, If you're holding on, To a dream that's gone." And you can't very well ignore what Madonna says. Oh and here's the video from that tour just because it's so fantastic.

Also due to my roommate, the WhoreMouse, I've started to converge with the idea that the universe has a way of sending us messages that we need to hear. For this same message to continue to find it's way to me in all media, I think it's time I start to take the its hint. Don't hold me to it. I think we all have a way of remembering the banana in the box, but at some point you have to either get caught or let another monkey put their hand in. Maybe theirs is small enough to get it out?

Over and Out,

What's the T? 2.4.11

It's damn cold. Hopefully this weekend will keep things heated up as we enter into February, the biggest party month of the year! We are entering Mardi Gras season with two Bals and the infamous Pink Party, drawing hot messes from all across the state. So what's the T for this weekend?

Amor Winterguard 10-11
  • Friday Night: The G-Spot hosted by Genesis w/ Bambi Kira
    Special Guest Tori Mattison from Jackson, MS
    Showtime at 11 PM 
    19+:$10 / 21+:$5
  • Saturday Night: Grind Saturdays with DJ Eric Ryan at Icon
    No cover for 21 and up before 11 PM 
  • Saturday Night: Mystic Krewe of Apollo Bal Masque XXXV                    Black/White Tie Only
    Invite Only
    After parties galore in B'ham
  • Saturday Night: Amor Winterguard competes @ Prattville HS
    Division starts at 5pm
    $7 admission
    You bettah work!        
And thanks again to all who came out to Icon Saturday night to support the MKD and WAAO at the Command Performance for King and Queen Druid XVIII! We raised over $700 with at least $250 from performer tips. Incredible! Don't forget to buy your tickets for the Pink Party ($15) and the MKD Bal Masque XVIII ($30 Bal Ticket/$50 VIP Weekend.)   See you there!

Over and Out,