I Will Not Eat Hate
9:29 PM
Posted by The Queer
I don't like to listen to hate and I sure as hell won't consume it. Recently I've seen your links about Chick-Fil-A's recent raising of their corporate evangelicalism bar. I mean, roll right on with being proud of your Christian principles in the running of your business. Even your hiring process is said to be operated by Fred Phelps himself. Well if Abercrombie & Fitch is only hiring good-looking employees, then by all means you should hire morally-staunch fry cooks Chick-Fil-A. But when they start making contributions to anti-gay organizations, even at just the local level, you start to step on my toes a bit. Especially when the best PR you can respond with is, "Well, yeah. . . um, we actually don't like the gays. . ." I can't allow my dollars to support a business that will turn around and use that money to feed the gluttonous mouths of Middle America's need to fight everything they don't understand.
Some students have united against the franchise, demanding their schools remove the campus locations. I'm not here to ask for that. I don't like their stance on the issue, but I can't demand that everyone else have the consequence of my beliefs. If other students like Chick-Fil-A and are not bothered by their anti-gay sentiments, I have to accept their difference and patronage. What I have to do is start small. Start as an individual. I will not eat Chick-Fil-A. While the grilled chicken sandwich may have become a staple in my campus lunch routine, I can find other options just as easily. I will not eat Chick-Fil-A. It's a silent move and unnoticeable in their annual report that CampusQueer did not continue to "eat mor chikin." But it was there. And it could grow. Or not. Either way I did what was right for me and the people about whom I care. I will not eat hate. Please join me.
Over and Out,
What's the T? 1.28.11
10:24 AM
Posted by The Queer
- Friday night G-Spot hosted by Genesis at Icon with Bambi Kira and special guest Angela D. Croft. Showtime at 11. 19+:$10 / 21+:$5
- Saturday Night int the Druid City Command Performance for King and Queen Druid XVII hosted by Bambi Kira at Icon. Showtime at 10.30 19+:$5 All proceeds benefit Mystic Krewe of Druids and WAAO
- Sunday night Royal Reunion at Our Place in Birmingham hosted by Drew Williams and Michael Washington. Performances for King and Queen Druid XVII as well as all previous royalty. Showtime at 7PM sharp! $5 admission to benefit MKD and WAAO
We Are Family. All My Brothers, Sisters, and Robert Bentley
3:21 PM
Posted by The Queer
Surely by now you have heard about our fine new governer, Misster Robert Bentley. His MLK Day speech? You know. The one where he didn't just hint, or traipse around, or vaguely slide his eyebrows towards inappropriate religious elitism and isolitionism. That cunt literally said, in his first days as governor of this toddler day care service of a state we call Alabama, "Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not
my sister, and I want to be your brother." Oh my Gaga, is this twat for real? We might as well start lining up at the capitol for him to lay hands on us, save us of our sins, charge a tax, and then politely ask us to grease his scalp with hot oils. I believe Wesley Vaughn and his team at The Capstonian said it best without any words at all.

If non-Christians are not his brother or sisters, then surely gays are his elderly grandmother he pulls the plug on when the nurses aren't looking. A mistake right of the bat like this foreshadows many more to come. I believe tomorrow he will be taking the leftovers of Sarah Palin's brilliant publicity team once she has lost her 15 minutes of political fame and goes home to find her daughter in a three-way with Michael Vick and one of his pitbulls. They seem to be right up Gov. Bentley's aisle. So keep a watch queerlings. Don't let him push us back another five steps right under our noses, because God knows he'll try. Literally. He told him last week at tea time. Nonetheless, I have a little tune for Gov. Bentley that I think we all can enjoy.
Over and Out,
Whose Side Are We On Again?
12:23 PM
Posted by The Queer
I'm sorry. Forgive my confusion. But last time I checked Auburn and Alabama were in the same state and same conference. We hold a rivalry, sure. That's understandable. This season, they beat us. That's undeniable. When someone plays a better game, they win and the other loses. But are we such bitter old spinsters that we have to hold primal grudges that have been proven in history to be the source of the downfall of society? I believe the word we use commonly is bigotry. Ignorance? No. That's actually a scapegoat because ignorance defines a pure lack of information. This is much different and more stupid. Alabama fans are cheering for a state they probably can't find on the map. I personally don't know anyone at Oregon. I grew up with people who go to Auburn. We have a southern bond that I always hear people talk about, but on which they do not typically act. So I say War Damn Eagle! We got beat, so let's have been beaten by the best. Let's keep it home.
Over and Out,