She-Man Player Haters Club!
8:44 PM
Posted by The Queer
No Beyonce. I didn't like it. He shouldn't have put a ring on it.
Guess what? You don't need a boyfriend. You don't need a girlfriend. You need friends. Phew. There. I said it. Yes, queerlings, CampusQueer is here to tell you to stop with this nonsense of true young love. Sure it may exist. But the time for it is not now if you are in college. For my older readers, the time for you is now. Your clock may be ticking. But you will probably agree with me that my peers need to lay low on the quasi-marriages infecting our college experiences. It is one thing to date and experience, but rings need not be purchased from the Wal-Mart quarter slots. We are still growing and discovering ourselves. I will be the first to admit I once thought I needed a stable relationship. It took a very great friend to convince me of otherwise and the hypnosis is over. That's all love is right now.
> Brianwashing. MTV. "Facebook official."
Do people feel compelled to be monogamous for a social fear? "Whore," they say. "Slut," they whisper. Fuck them. If you are in college, you have dreams; places to go. And they don't happen here. If they do, that is one thing. Mine won't happen here. To go somewhere else, I have to checkmark NSA on my Craigslist ad for Man Seeking Future.
I understand the argument, "Well we can be together now and have that experience while it lasts." If that's what you want and know that you can deal with the mutual agreement to love and leave in the upcoming years, then have at it. I can't do that and I'm having to come to terms with that reality now before later. Maybe you are as well. I know the feeling of wanting someone you know and care about to wake up to in the morning. It's a great feeling when it's there and an empty one when it's not. But we are young. I've been out for about two years. That's not near enough time to experience. So stop trying to join the chain gang and instead join the gang bang. You are only young and pretty and interesting once. I'm just sayin'.
And on the note of long-distance relationships. . .
. . . No.
So join me in the CampusQueer "She-Man Player Hater Club!" It's free admittance, no judgement by me (but probably by others,) and a FREE POPSICLE! If that's not enough, well then slap my ass and call me TwinkleSnatch.
Over and Out,
From Shit to Fit. <-- Really?
9:38 AM
Posted by The Queer
Good Monday queerlings! Sleep well I hope? I sure as hell didn't. Nonetheless, I slid out of bed this morning and sashayed my tush across the Quad with a fresh summer scarf and quaff of hair the defies gravity. Just past the squirrel with a gender identity problem and before the second bend, I eyed a character that passes my radar every few weeks on the random occasion. I first came to notice the odd little man at the rec center. I would come to do a quick jog or perfect my downward dog in yoga and would notice him just a-hustlin' around the track with all his little heart or pumping iron in the midst of the beefcake parade. He wasn't beautiful. Hell he wasn't anything. Let's be real.
>>> Now hold on there. Don't get all sassy. I'm going somewhere with this.
As I said, I would occasionally see him at the rec or traipsing across the Ferg plaza and he always seemed determined; always seemed ready to make change in himself. It just so happens that the boy past the tranny squirrel and before the bend was the same boy. But different. Bitch was stacked. Had a nice little chesticle deal going on. He carried a new confidence about him that rivaled even my damn prissy britches. He had found his change. Working hard for a new self-identity had come to fruition. I must say it was inspiring indeed. So I'm sure it's not something you can take the full worth from just my words. Seeing is believing. Take what you can. Starting this new semester, let's make happen what we want to happen. In the words of Perez Hilton's March 23rd Tweet, "Work hard. Dream big. And be so busy that you don't have time to give a fuck what anyone else thinks about you! But, above all, have fun!" Sometimes that mess is worth something I suppose. So it's not absolutely profound, but I felt it was a good start-of-semester tidbit. Now go forth.
Over and Out,
First Day Wrap-Up and Shameless Promotion
10:13 AM
Posted by The Queer
Back on Gorgas Level 3. Where CQ was burfed.
Things that made me smile:
> Some instances of great style. The best looks were from black students. They were on point.
> Are the boys hotter? Survey says yes. They are at their prime though. It only goes downhill from here.
> Seeing queers on campus of course. I ran into several of you yesterday. Hope to see more.
> I wasn't overwhelmed and enraged by sorority girl Nike Tempo shorts. And the girls didn't look as dirty.
Things that made me cringe:
> The Ferg at lunch time. Dear Gaga. I'm in the process of designating a place on campus for us to eat.
> Watching the rain come across the Quad. Trying to run from it. Still getting drenched.
> Parking. Done.
That's all that comes right to mind. Feel free to comment if I missed out on anything. You probably won't. Anygay, I'm having lunch with my newest members of the CQ team. That's right. We apparently have a team here now. Gay. We will be discussing plans for the semester and getting the balls rolling. Now what I need from my avid or even slovenly readers is getting the word out to the underlings. You know who I mean. The BabyGays. After all, that is one of the main objectives of CQ; to be a glimpse to what the gay identity is here and a map to fabulosity as decided by my trashy ass. Tragic isn't it? No, not really. I'm convinced some positivity can come from this and that it already has. Where was I? Right, get the word out to your BG's and refer them to the FaceBook page. It builds our community. And be sure to get them out to the Welcome Back Bash at Icon if they're at least 19. And bring yourself as well! We need to pack that place out. Yes, it will be like a crematorium in there. I'm thinking we should secretly go the route of panty party. Hell, I barely wear clothes there on a regular basis. I will see there tomorrow night, but will be in the Ham on Saturday to promote CQ's Absolut Student Mixer! It is NEXT Saturday folks. You must be seen there. Students from colleges across the region will be tearing it up and you have to represent your alma mater right! RSVP and nominate your Absolut Mess of 2010 candidate on the wall. Then be there to see who is crowned! Okay, enough shameless promotion. I'm starving.
Over and Out,
Absolut Student Mixer
5:03 PM
Posted by The Queer
>TheFierce Ladyy Jaja of the University of Alabama
>Michael Finn of Jacksonville State U
>Cody Moore of UAB
>Cory Burns of wherever the hell his ass is at during any given time.
Now most importantly, you need to go ahead and Sharpie in August 28 on your Taylor Lautner calendar. Not pencils bitches. I want bold, black Sharpie. Confirm on the FB event invite and start nominating your friends or foes for the Absolut Mess of 2010 on the wall. We've had some drunk bitches and we'll have some more, but this is the democratic way of life and you will be voting that night by texting the Joe's Hotline on the big screens. You must be present to win. And you must be tragic. Don't miss it. That would be worse than wearing pajama pants to class. No really. That has GOT to stop.
Over and Out,
The Queer is Back on Campus
9:09 PM
Posted by The Queer
Have you purchased your books queerlings? Next week is the week! And really please don't buy your books. It makes me look bad when I don't get mine and wastes cash you could use for buying hookers. It's been a summer of absolute indulgence and insanity, but I'm quite ready for a brand new semester with fresh faces and spaces. I know you are too. Don't play. It's time for me to clean up, shape up, and put on my Sunday Hat because we're about to take CQ to a new level. More on that later.
Anygay, one thing I really have to shout out to the summer 'mos of Tuscaloosa: You kept the gay alive! It's true. With Icon boldly opening it's doors right as all the twinks and twinknots were leaving town, I myself was concerned with what the scene would be like. And it was the shit. We were a mess. And it's luster still shines with the godly amounts of sweat that poured from our bodies like the gravy vat at City Cafe. We did it. We kept OUR gay ...::ahem::..."alternative" bar alive. So thank you for that. And thank you to our Angel Goddess, Genesis for some amazing shows and the staff who deal with my shit on a daily basis. It's important to keep the queer identity rolling along here. Practice doesn't make perfect. Progress does. I hope I can bring some more progress along myself as well. If you're the young student out there that found a sense of direction on this site, well this whole mess of a blog of mine is for you. I cannot wait to see what we can accomplish with the rest of 2010. I promise to give you more!
With that, CQ is back and hitting the pavement running. . . in heels! I am your public servant. But not in a gloryhole kind of way. Except for Tuesdays. Then it's in the gloryhole kind of way.
Over and Out,
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